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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

The zombies.. ARE COMING..

A zombie, being the cool zombie they are


Another zombie, wanting to be cool to and successfully doing so

A Zombie is an undead unliving being in the game Zombies vs Plants: We Don't Want Zombies On Our Lawn! and all the other games (Shut up, I can't document EVERYTHING). They were created with the Brainz Machine by Dr. Zomboss, who is actually the disguise of none another than a digital version of Mr. Nintendo, who wants to invade the world. They want to eat your brains and you have to fend them off with plants because you're high. There are many types of Zombies, and this article will TRY to document all types of zombies.

Original Zombie vs

Comparison between the old and modern Zombie.

The Hell is a Zombie and Why does It Wanna Eat Mah Brains?[]

As stated above, a Zombie is an undead unliving being created by Dr. Zomboss, who is actually Mr. Nintendo. It wants to eat your brains and you have to kill it with any plant you can find (especially Solar Flare, you can use that plant to shoot zombies automatically, but she costs 5000 sun to use.)

Original Zombie[]

Modern 1991 ZvP Zombie

Zombie from the Modern 1991 Pak.

The Original Zombie is, well, a regular Garden Variety Zombie. However, the Original Zombie is very weak. It can take 10 peas to kill, but with enough Peashooters you can bring down an entire army of these undead Original Zombies. Even though they may seem weak, they are actually the basis AND building blocks for more stronger zombies, because those stronger zombies are either clones or just Zombies with cool protective headgear.

Original Zombie Stats[]

  • Just a Normal Zombie
  • Can take 10 peas
  • Is the basis for stronger zombies
  • Can be massively cloned to take over the World

Conehead Zombie[]

Modern 1991 ConeHead Zombie

Conehead Zombie from the Modern 1991 Pak.

The Conehead Zombie is a fine, but spectacular uncommon specimen of the Common Zombie. It is uncommon to find these as Natural Selection cannot be too kind. These Zombies are created because Basic Zombies sometimes uncommonly decide they want to be rare and and rad and put a Cone on their head. This results in a stronger, doubled health Conehead Zombie. It takes 18 peas to kill, and usually requires 1 column of Repeaters, or 2 columns of Peashooters to kill Conehead Zombies.

Conehead Zombie Stats[]

  • Takes twice the damage (18 peas)
  • Stronger Zombie
  • Uncommon
  • Can be cloned; but not massively

Buckethead Zombie[]

The Buckethead Zombie is a spectacular, but rare specimen of the Common Zombie. It is very rare to find these as Natural Selection cannot be too, too kind. These Zombies are created because Basic Zombies sometimes uncommonly decide they want to be SUPER rad n' rare and put a BUCKET on their head. This results in a stronger, steel muscled Buckethead Zombie. It takes 69 (haha redit keanu r double e ves 42069 funni numbah please i need a life) peas to kill a buckethead, and usually requires 2 columns of Repeaters, or 1 column of Gatling Peas to kill Conehead Zombies.

Bucketheads are usually praised in the Zombie community for their spectacular idea, but they're just really stupid and want to be cool.

Modern 1991 Buckethead Zombie

Buckethead Zombie from the Modern 1991 Pak.

Buckethead Zombie Stats[]

  • Very hard to kill early in the game (69 peas)
  • The strongest zombie in Day (in first playthrough)
  • Very rare
  • Cannot be cloned massively or cloned at all.


  • SCP-106 is a zombie?
  • These aren't supposed to be confused with Real Zombies..
  • These zombie were created by Mr. Nintendo to take over the world and make bad shitty Nintendo games.
  • Funnily enough, this reference was stanced by PIPCOP because during production they were sued for infringing copyright on "KILL THE ZOMBIES™", which was the original Nintendo concept of Zombies vs. Plants before it was found by PIPCOP.
  • Zombies want the name to be reversed. They want it to be "Plants vs. Zombies". We're not letting them do that.
  • Jackson zombie non-gif

    Thrilled enough?

    The zombies are angry you're forgetting them!
  • If you’re reading this, you’ve been in a coma for 10 years. We’re trying a new technique. We don’t know where this message will end up in your dream, but we’re hoping we got through. PLEASE WAKE UP!!
  • Zombies eventually get tired and turn against their master then do a music video with you at the end of the remaster of the original game.
  • There was a Dancing Zombie that looks like Michael Jackson during the early years of the game, but we just don't know what happened to him at any case or his whereabouts...

Zombies vs. Plants[ / ]
Plants [ / ]
Peashooter - Sunflower - Cherry Bomb - Wall-Nut - Potato Mine - Snow Pea - Chomper - Repeater - Puff-Shroom - Melon Pult - Winter Melon - Cabbage Pult - Kernel Pult - Cactus - Zombies (we are  plants to)
Zombies [ / ]
Zombies - Dr. Zomboss - Red Chomper - Crazy Dave (Secretly)