Zing Isle is a country in Kittehlandia, southeast of Buicia. It is where ZingZillas is recorded.

Wait why is there Easter Island?
It's like your average paradise island, but don't be fooled, it may appear on every getaway site on the Internet, but only because the Teletubbies put it there, it has carnivorous plants, a volcano that can cause Mass Destruction, highly pressurized geysers and a submarine that kidnaps children and brings them to the island, operated by Paul, the only reason why they do that is because the island is also laced with CBeebies in every nook and cranny, and since the island was made by the BBC, they are why, they added it to spread the disease and rule the world. There are some moai heads on this island known as The Moaning Stones, who were brought here because Dr. Rabbit thought they were cursed, and they were cursed.
On the day the Kittehlandian continents and other landmasses smashed into each other in a fight of pizza, which formed islands, there was a part where Radistania punched Super Asia in the gut, causing him to up chuck some dirt, soon, the BBC discovered it, and sent some of their new goons, The ZingZilla Band, to the island, they then got a laser and used it to cut the island into a monkey shape, killing many Monkey Creatures and other creatures, they then bombed all of the island that wasn't the monkey shape, they then bombed the island with CBeebies Bombs and spreaded the disease, they then planted carnivorous plants and drilled into a hill, turning it into a volcano, soon, Dr. Rabbit got rid of The Moaning Stones from his island, and so, the island is what it is today!

A map of the island, looks like The ZingZilla Band is playing their evil music.