UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki

YouTube Poop (also called YTP for short) is...well...kind of hard to define. It depends on the pooper, source, effects, intentions of the poop, and many other things. Without YouTube Poop, most of this wiki would not exist. In fact, it might not have been created if it did not exist.

It is rumoured that in 2010 it made G Major, but Nobody knows for sure.


The first YTP is considered to be I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL aka The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 REMIXED!!!, which was not directly uploaded to YouTube. It was originally created by SuperYoshi and uploaded on SheezyArt in 2004, before YouTube existed. It was then re-uploaded on YouTube in 2006. Many people liked it, and started making their own poops. Then, someone uploaded clips from CD-i shames. Then, everyone was pooping Hotel Mario and Zelda. King Harkinian and Morshu. Became famous, after no one knew their names for over 10 years. After SpaDinner poops were growing old with the DINNER/Spaghetti jokes, people started using new sources and ways of editing. Like I do.

Spadinner Style[]

The old Spadinner style of pooping was very explicit. The people that made the spadinner stuff that got over 100,000 views probably were perverts and didn't care about community. They used Windows Movie Maker for a free fap clip creator. They tried to put bad stuff in it such as porn.

New Style[]

The nowadays style YouTube Pooping is more advanced and created mostly by young teen nerds or college graduates who finds more diverse Internet Memes funny. They were created with Sony Vegas or Premiere or any professional software like that. The new style had clean, more random humor like this wiki. Some people try to make it explicit by using word splicing and sex jokes. The new style has ear rape, better quality sources and a lot of moving animated images.



Some Guys who made YTP's[]

  • HourOfPoop
  • NKPower
  • Aidan Nester
  • Roscoe McGillicuddy
  • CS188
  • Cartoonlover98
  • EmpororLemon
  • SightOfDelirium
  • CaptinOhYeah
  • Yoshimaniac
  • MoBrosStudios
  • AwfulFawfulTheFalafe
  • PurpleColorz12124
  • Tristan Lanier
  • AB on DVD
  • Waltman13
  • SneakiestChameleon
  • TheSteamLord
  • Jimmy Davis
  • WalrusGuy
  • TheRealXboxNerd
  • IAmTheGang (sadly no longer active)
  • Krobo Productions
  • WTLNetwork
  • SpinosaurusStudios
  • Qwistoff YTP
  • And some other YTP makers


YouTube Poop is bigger than ever, and continues to grow to YouTube's demise. There’s some great YTPs and bad ones of course. Offensive humor is also more prevalent in these poops.

Examples of famous YTPs[]
