UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

The main X Island


The second X Island

The X Islands is were X and D go to spend time when they don't feel like doing stuff with eachother, and it was founded after the first time X got bored doing stuff with D. While the first X Island used to be a part of the Squadala Empire, X didn't like associating the island with Squadala Man. In 2010, it became a separate country.

The islands is located near the Bowser UnWorld Territories and Number Island, which has led some of the dummer members of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (Like U)  to belive X may be plotting to join 1234567890, but that is


The third X Island

very stupid.

The landscape of the X Islands is mostly dirt, but the main island has a single cabin near the middle where X lives, and the third one has a shed that D lives in. It should also be noted that under the dirt there is a high quantity of Ruppies, which has led Hyrule to try and invaid the island a few times. There is a huge underground modern house of sorts with just about anything You can imagine.

In 2015, X claimed 2 islands that surround Number Island from the Squadala Empire, because D wanted his own island and X wanted more land.


  • X and D made the flag in 5 minuets.

X Island flag
