UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki

Wikibooks is a website owned by Wikimedia. It contains textbooks made by vandals volunteers. Almost all Wikibooks users are Wikipedians looking for something to do in their spare time.


After Wiktionary was created, Jimbo Wales had an idea: wiki-based textbooks. In 2003, Wikibooks was formed to host that kind of content. Since then, Wikibooks has been maintained by a team of volunteers bored Wikipedia users.


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help the UnAnything Wiki out by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it may get terminated.


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help the UnAnything Wiki out by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it may get terminated.
