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UnAnything Wiki

The War on Darkerners was a bitter, 15 year long war on Darkerners conducted by the Mechanus Alliance in UnAmerica. It started when Queen, a darkerner herself, bought a vacation home in Palm City, Florida. She lied about her identity and did not get in trouble. This inspired other darkerners to do the same. The war started in 2025 and ended in 2040, when the Alliance + the U.S.A. did a genocide on Darkerners and also put up suppression field on creating Dark UnWorlds.


Early years (2025-2030)[]

One day in 2025, the Queen decided to go get a new house, so she lied about her age and moved to Palm City, where the HMS Captain 37 was docked. She moved there as destroying it would play a pivotal role in weakening the UnAnything Team. This attracted Lancer to invade. Soon, more and more Darkerners, some from other Dark UnWorlds we never heard of, began moving in, and they started gaining influence on the UnWorld. Later on in 2025 and the following year, the Queen decided to start a street gang called the Darkerners of Palm City (DPC) and advocated for Darkerner rights. The mob gained followers that also included humans that supported Darkerners, and this led to violent protests and riots that made the alliance go to war with them. In 2028, The Darkerners annexed Palm City and surrounding towns and villages to form their own country: The Darkner State. This country started growing faster and then by 2029, it occupied most of Florida. The first nuke of the war was then dropped by Titan Speakerman on a large manufacturing city called New Cyber City, founded by Spamton himself.

Middle Years (2031-2035)[]

The battles get more intense from here; now the Darkerner State was occupying land that belonged not only to Florida, but also to the states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The battle of New Orleans in 2033 was the worst battle, in which the city, having spent years recovering from Typhoon Katrina, was devastated, and this resulted in the end of New Orleans, but it was rebuilt. By this time, the Alliance was beginning to have the upper hand during the war, and Darkerners were slowly going extinct.

Final Battle (2036-2040)[]

The Darkerner state reached its maximum size in 2037, occupying much of the American southeast as well as Texas and Oklahoma, the northern half of Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, parts of Montana and Idaho, and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba. The war had taken a toll on the alliance and America so much they weakened, but then the Jupiterese, aka the Amogi, came and started helping the alliance by sending aid to it. Then the Amogi began sending their soldiers to Earth and reclaimed the U.S., and finally, on July 29th, 2040, the alliance finally wiped out Darkerners for good and banned the creation of all Dark UnWorlds, and everyone creating one without permission would be severely punished. In the 23rd century, the final Dark UnWorld was discovered and destroyed, and the last few Darkerners inside were turned back into objects.
