Wadd is a country that's also a house. Wadd is a country that's also an airport, a room filled with clocks (and The Desert of Melting Clocks, perhaps), a nightmarish pit of asbestos, The Trench, a gas station, and many other things. It is non-euclidean, like The Backrooms, but it is considered a singular country. Wadd is unpredictable, almost like its own being. Once you enter, you'll need to look for a long time to find an escape (if you're a human, at least). If you're not, then you have powers. Use them!
The Initial House[]

A low-quality photo of The Initial House
The Initial House (sometimes simplified to The House) is the entrance to Wadd. On first inspection, it resembles your average suburban home, with a pristine lawn and white finish. Just like Your Neighbor's when it was first built. However, this is not your average house, because we wouldn't be bringing it up if it was. Once you are in the house for roughly 25 minutes, a change occurs. The doors disappear, and you have no choice but to keep going deeper into this dimension. This is where the UnWorld ends and Wadd truly begins.
House Variants[]
After the first escapade with the house, there are near-infinite varieties of it that exist as a sort of merge. They range from the house in a different color, to the house on fire, to the house's layout duplicated to form another building (like a daycare, or a camp). It is unknown how many variants exist, but they just keep coming.
Some notable ones include:
- The Brutalist House: A gray, concrete clone of the house that is very hard to survive. Besides the concrete and darkness, the only other thing there is fake grass.
- The Campground: A wooded area with a campsite, a beaten path, a road, and a mysterious Shell gas station that suspiciously has the S blacked-out.
- The Asbestos Realm: Less of a house, more of a creepy, white crawl space/basement. Do not spend a long time here, as this is where asbestos naturally grows.
- Lean House: The house, but everything is made of Lean. It is unknown how the lean solidified, but it is an impressive feat nonetheless.
Unique Rooms/Areas[]
Some parts of Wadd, though, are more unique. These ones will need a longer description, and can't be generalized.
- The Cosmic Palace: Where the Ruler Of Everything lives. Anyone who enters his domain instantly feels comforted by his presence. It resembles a large, extravagant palace (not that one) of dark, swirling colors. Many describe it as like a galaxy, similar to the Ruler's own being.
- Manoir de Marionne: A sub-area of the Palace, where Nightmarionne currently resides. He moved here to be closer to family (as the Ruler Of Everything is his biological father)
- The Trench: An abyssal wasteland that is a prominent place in the religion of Surferism. It is hard to get to, but it can be done. Usually, it is accessed by using diving gear, but anyone who is exiled there can breathe fine, because they're DEAD.
- Juno's House: A small, two-roomed home owned by Juno. And before you ask, yes, she does own real estate. It is found somewhere near the Campground, as she's often seen with pizza rolls from the Shell. Juno does not live here full-time.

An illustration of Chubsville
- Chubsville Province: A seaside town ruled over by a vagrant race known as the Chubs. It is an art deco city that is associated with their lavish lifestyle. It is only night there, but the skies are so thick with smog that it looks like an overcast day.
- The Pit: A cave once ruled over by "Moles", another race that was flushed out by a storm, which in itself was caused by the Chubs constructing more factories than needed. Now, the Mohelmot live worldwide.
- The Real Beach: A beach of white sand, which is frozen at a permanent sunset. Black palm trees frame the view, and you can hear Like The Wind quietly being played on a boombox nearby. This is Gremmie's favorite place.
- The demonym of Wadd is "a guy from Wadd".
- The Top Hat Mafia once tried setting up base here, but were promptly chased out.
- It's thought that Zizz might live somewhere close to Wadd. However, it is unlikely that Zizz is a guy from Wadd.