WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky is a Wa-version of WaWaWaWaTinky Winky, who is a Wa-version of WaWaWaTinky Winky, who is a Wa-version of WaWaTinky Winky, who is a Wa-version of WaTinky Winky, who is a Wa-version of Tinky Winky, who is a very scary teletubby. He is the friend of WaWaWaWaWaWario.
Once, Wario was bored, so he caught WaWaWaWaTinky Winky (Somehow...) and stuck him into the Wa-machine. The result...was something even worse than WaWaWaWaTinky Winky!! In fact, WaWaWaWaTinky Winky is a regular person compared to WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky! He immediately blew up WaWaWaWaTinky Winky with his mind and ran off. But then Po appeared and made him become her slave (after stealing the P.I.N.G.A.S. to subdue him).
After being thrown in the Wa-Machine for the 6th time, Asplode Tinky Winky was birthed instead of WaWaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky as we, the UnAnything Team need to shorten the character length of the character. They're still functionally the same however WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky wasn't happy about this so he asked Wario to make the Wa-Machine 2.0 so he could become 6(Wa)Tinky Winky instead of this stupid Asplode creature.
He imploded himself after being sued for making a bootleg, but unfortunately for everyone, he respawned due to his Teletubby DNA.
He Wants to Kill You![]
He was the creator of Ebola and his goal is to wipe out ALL living organisms. He might even try to kill himself. He won't stop trying until all life is completely, truly, 10000000% destroyed or slaughtered. The only weakness he has is the Dinner Blaster, but he buried it 69 feet underground. WATCH OUT AND STAY AWAY AT ALL TIMES OR ELSE HE WILL GET YOU!!
- He could eat galaxies if he got bored. Once he ate half of the Chocolate Milky Way because there was bacon.
- He tried to obliterate every Number Captain there was as of 2015 once.