—WaWaWaWaAsplode Tinky-Winky
WaWaWaWaAsplode Tinky Winky was the product of a Tierboskat drunk on fermented francium. Having drank nearly a pound of the stuff, he fired a concentrated WaLaser and accidentally shot a Teletubby Clone of Tinky Winky that was in geosynchronous orbit. The rest is history. WaWaWaAsplode Tinky Winky became this ungoly (God+Holy) thibg
It is unknown how, but he managed to get into the Wa-Machine, creating the penultimate Wa-Tinky Winky.
His full brain contents[]
o8ɏ�!ؓ+]:*)? 鬳i<Ꞧa0g톧
Possible Powers[]
- All the powers of WaWaWaAsplode Tinky Winky but 2x more powerful
- Saying "Pinkle Winkle Tinky Winky" causes him to become a black hole for 10 seconds before he explodes.
- Can become any geometric shape in up to 4 dimensions
- Pingas Minigun
- Can screech at stupidly loud volumes
- He owns two WaGuns which he often pulls out alongside his Pingas Minigun.
- Laser farts