WaWaAsplode Tinky Winky is the WaAsplode Tinky Winky that nobody asked for, he can destroy stuff with his unnecessary arsenal of powers inherited!
He is a large threat to UnMan Kind. Some say he was made by Captain 1 himself! He has all the powers as WATW but more aswell, everyone fears him, and boy isn't he a nightmare! He has Asploded millions of people and is hiding in the cellar of the Tubby Tower. Even the Teletubbies are scared they locked the basement away so he never came out, he did though.
He was able to destroy Tinky Winky in 0.001 seconds. Apparently, he is SO powerful and evil that he could be almost totally immune to Chuck Norris, but it was proven wrong, because Chuck Norris defeated him, and he died just one day after his own creation because WaWaAslpode Tinky Winky was the ONLY being in existence besides God and Chuck Norris himself who knew of Chuck’s weakness. However, everybody now knows Chuck Norris’ only weakness, and that is Chuck Norris. Only Chuck Norris can beat Chuck Norris. WaWaAsplode Tinky Winky was probably insane when he challenged Chuck Norris.
However WaAsplode Tinky Winky made another WaWaAsplode Tinky Winky, and this time he went into the Wa-Machine ultimately creating WaWaWaAsplode Tinky Winky.
New Attacks[]
- Ring of Plaugue
- Asplode Beam
- CBeebies Laser
- Shock Storm
Weaknesses (of the week)[]
Despite what is described, WaWaAsplode Tinky Winky is moreso a glass cannon and can easily be killed from chopping his limbs off with a Buzzsaw Gun, he will hemorrhage blood at an alarming rate before dying. This blood is non-toxic, and it has no iron in it. It can be used in a fruit punch drink. It's also not dangerous to the environment either.
Either way, he is still dead.