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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

Vincent V. Velvet, commonly known under the stage name of "Velvet Vic" was once a popular, widely-praised pianist (not Pingas) from The Middle of Nowhere. He made loads of money, had a bunch of fans, and got plenty of dates (he had a way with them, y'know). One day, though, tragedy struck. While he was playing the piano during a concert, a beam fell from the stage and crushed him to death. It just so happened that at the exact time this happened, Shirley The Medium bought a vinyl record of his hit album "Dragsville", unaware that his spirit would haunt it.

One day, everything changed. Shirley was cleaning out The ShirleymobileTM and noticed that there was some kind of mold growing on the record his soul was trapped in. She dusted it off and decided to try and play it, worried the vinyl had been messed up. However, what she discovered was way worse. She watched in horror as a black, static-like sludge poured from the record player and materialized into a vaguely Vic-like form. Its skin was a sparkling, slimy purple, but everything else looked like television static. Whatever it was, it wasn't the man she knew from before.

Soon, she found him trying to coerce Courage into sacrificing his owners in the name of "acid jazz", whatever that was. Di Lung was also there, getting a load of it, waiting to move into the house after the Bagges finally kicked the bucket and Courage went running. Velvet Vic wasn't too keen on him and Shirley being there, though, so he directed the now-possessed Courage to try and kill them instead.

Lookin' For Love[]


An old picture of him performing at a house party in The Middle of Nowhere.

After being kicked out of Nowhere, and still heartbroken with the loss of his once-stunning looks, Vic found himself looking for love in all the wrong places. Nobody seemed to want a man of TV static and glittering purple sludge. I wonder why? But anyways, he was looking for a lady when he saw a Flunky taking out the trash near a Cog building. Vic noticed he'd left the door open, so he snuck in while he wasn't looking, and accidentally melted a hole in the floor with his static. He ended up in the Cogs' long-abandoned news station, and couldn't help but notice the distinct smell of formaldehyde.

Then, he saw "her", creeping in the darkness. As soon as he made eye contact with it, it ran up to him, eyes wide and crazed. "YŒU'RE NŒT A CŒG!?!? IMPŒSSIBLE!" When it spoke, it was doing its best to mimic Mr. Mediocreguy's speech patterns, for... reasons? idk.

Then, the two decided to be boyfriend and girlfriend. Two nightmarish abominations in love, how nice💖!

Breakdown! (Go Ahead, Give It To Me!)[]

Recently, Vic uncovered a little secret that would've surely made him cry, but it didn't, because he'd been suspecting it the whole time. As he played his piano one day, Dora walked in on him and asked him how he felt about the relationship between them. He said "it's alright if you love me, it's alright if you don't" and told her that he's "not afraid of you running away, honey, I'll say all there is to say." And revealed that he knew she was cheating on him with Judge Holden, who had been an ally of them for a while now. As TVTropes would put it, Vic ended up going through a "Heel-Face Turn", leaving Dora's house with a newfound destiny. Stopping Holden's conquest, no matter how much it took.

