UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki

I have some problems with the current state of the wiki:

  • The canon is a mess. This isn't anyone's fault specifically; it's basically everyone's fault. The canon is muddy, confusing, and prone to pointless edit wars. It's a decent idea in practice, but in reality, it just serves to confuse newcomers. To quote the relevant TVTropes page: "The writers have let the mythos they've generated get so thick and convoluted that a newcomer has very little chance of understanding the significance of anything. They are 'locked out' of understanding the story by all the continuity." Before UAW split from UnMario, that wiki barely had any defined canon.
  • Too much focus on worldbuilding, plot, character development, etc.; too little focus on actual humour. This is actually mostly my fault, but others ran with it, to the point where there's now several characters created specifically to do horrible things to other characters, for the sake of character development. This is UnAnything - Un as in Uncyclopedia or UnMario, indicating a humour wiki - not FanFicAnything.
  • Lack of humour value. A lot of the newer articles are just "look at how cool/evil/both this new character is", and don't contain anything, y'know, funny. Again, articles are supposed to be funny.

Because of this, I announce Operation WARPED SPEED.

What is Operation WARPED SPEED?

Basically, a plan to

  • Make the canon less complex.
  • Add more humour to the wiki.
  • Get rid of, or tone down:
    • Serious worldbuilding elements.
    • Residue from failed retcon attempts.
    • Plot elements created solely for the sake of having plot elements.
  • Completely eliminate dark and edgy "humour" (such as r*pe "jokes").

Why should we do this?

Mainly because I don't want Wikia Staff to delete the UnAnything wiki, like they did with FreeVandalism, Wackypedia, Stupididy Wiki, Uncyclopedia, and other humour wikis that got too controversial.

When will this happen?

Ideally, it should start once you're done reading this, and be finished before 2022 starts.