The UnMario Wiki (w:c:unmario:) is an ancestor of UnAnything. It was created way back in 2006. It has generated a lot of spin-off wikis, including UnAnything, which was spun off from UnMario in 2010. (Fantendo is also a UnMario spin-off, but that's beside the point.) Nowadays, UnMario is nearly abandoned; there's only 1 regularly-active user, and no active admins. I was recently talking to a Wikia Staff member about merging UnMario into UnAnything. They told me to create a blog post about it, which you can see here. Anyway, I was going around UnMario, and found its "affiliate" list. There are 2 non-existent wikis on that list ("Fabulous Archives...." and "UnMinecraft"). The rest of these wikis are in varying states of abandoned-ness:
- "Gruntipedia" (w:c:unhalo:): This seems to be a parody wiki themed around Halo. Most of the edits nowadays are from unregistered users.
- "Known Dimension" (w:c:knowndimension:): Another abandoned wiki. It seems to be a worldbuilding project loosely based on UnAnything.
- "UnWario" (w:c:unwario:): A completely-abandoned Wario parody wiki and a spin-off of UnMario.
- "UnSuper" (w:c:unsuper:): A failed spin-off of UnAnything about superheroes. No activity at all nowadays.
- "Weegeepedia" (w:c:weegeepedia:): This is an interesting case. It used to be a quite active wiki about the "Weegee" meme. But then, the admins went crazy and started making up strict rules and stupid excuses to block people (including myself). They also tried to raid UnAnything once, but I blocked them all. Nowadays, it's a wiki full of vaguely-Weegee-related spam, and there's no active admins and only one (barely) active moderator, who doesn't even do any moderator stuff.
- "WikiForDummies" (w:c:wikifordummies:): Another barely-active failed UnMario/UnAnything spin-off. It's the exact same concept as UnAnything, and a lot of the pages are copied from UnAnything.
- "Wackishly Awesome Randomness" (w:c:wackishlyawesomerandomness:): A failed attempt at imitating the far more successful Random-ness Wiki.
IMO, all 7 of these wikis, as well as UnMario, should be merged with UnAnything. They're all dead. Except for UnAnything (which is fairly active) and Fantendo (which is one of the most active fanon wikis on Fandom/Wikia), UnMario seems to have a history of failed spin-off wikis.
Most early UnAnything articles were originally on UnMario, before UnMario banned non-Mario-related content. UnMario should be reunified with UnAnything. This wiki has a much larger and more active community.
EDIT 1: Planned stages of UnUnification