So I remember there was this page long ago back when I didn't have an account on Wikia. It's been deleted for some time, but I was hoping that someone had archived it or remembers it too and can give some hints as to what was there.
It was like a beta version of the Galactic YouTube Trolling Crew (DIFFERENT PAGE, NOT THE GYTC) which I am aware is deleted because "UnAnything is a place for laughs, not exposing trolls" but still. It only had 12 members, and I remember 3 of them. The first was Super Minecraft Kid, the fifth was Durham Francis, and the seventh was PimpinMast3rDX. The second one's name started with Y I'm pretty sure, but his channel was deleted already so I couldn't find him.
I know some people don't want any more trolling things on this glorious wiki, and others don't remember this page at all, but please, if you have a copy or recall some of the trolls besides the ones I listed, could you reply? I want to revisit their channels for nostalgia's sake.
Thanks loads! (and sorry if I upset anyone. I just want the nostalgia lol)