The Upper Counsel of Undefeatables is the group of omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, omnivorous, omnisexual (maybe), omni-whatever-else gods that have existed since the beginning of time itself, and . Each one of them is infinitely powerful in their own special way, more than a little arrogant, and slightly insane. Of course, say any of that around them and you're beyond dead.
The exact origins of each specific Undefeatable are unknown. Although the Undefeatables know all and see all, most of them prefer not to talk about the past, and especially not the future. However, this is what some dedicated historians have managed to piece together:
- Chuck Norris was born with the dawn of the UnUniverse, in the midst of the Big Bang (which he most likely caused). Some say that he is the physical manifestation of the UnUniverse's own will.
- Chuck Norriseegee was created when Hyper Weegee stared at Chuck Norris. He is somewhere between 10 and 20 times weaker than Chuck Norris.
- Lean-Chuck Norris is what happened when Chuck Norris drank a little lean.
- Mr. T originated before the Big Bang and disappeared into the 2nd Dimension, where he wanted to be a two-dimensional hero existing for millennia.
- The UnAnything Team can give promotions and demotions to any Undefeatable, including Chuck Norris. Probably the most powerful Undefeatable, I think you understand.
Undefeatable By Technicality
None of these are actually Undefeatables, as they didn't bother going on the Unrank Scales. However, they go here for two reasons. One, their power is several solid dimensions above anything a Lower Undefeatable can do. Which is really, really powerful. Second, they ordered us to put them here, and this is the most we're willing to give them, otherwise they would erase us from all planes of existence. So far, none of these exists, but we're still looking.