An Underground Ernie token, or UET for short is a token that is used in Underground Ernie rides and any other Kiddie rides near it if you want to use it in it's secret mode. it can be obtained at a secret room in every shop in the UnWorld, and when you insert it into the Underground ernie ride or any kiddie rides near it, a screen taken right out of a tesla pops up and the coin slot flips round to reveal some controls on the ride.
It is a light blue square with a picture from the show in the middle, and the word 'Token' is on the top and bottom, and this is on both sides of the thing
Counterfeitting Underground ernie tokens[]
one day, some market in China made counterfeit versions of these tokens, which couldn't be distinguished from a real one, unless it was put under a UV light. If the real one was put under a UV light, there were patterns that are hard to replicate, while the counterfeit ones had a 'U' on it. Underground Ernie figured out what was going on though, and he put a stop to it.