UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a 2008-humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Just read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki
[ / ]UnAnything Policy [ / ]

Last Major Update: 2024 July 30 - Updated forum and article comment rules

Violating these rules will result in warnings, with continued punishments being 6-72 hour bans per offense, except in cases of global rule violations which are treated as such, or where punishment is specified.

Global Discussions Rules


  1. Be rude.
  2. Be annoying.
  3. Cause unnecessary drama.
  4. Touch a roleplay unless you're invited and are roleplaying.
  5. Write in cyphers, encryption, zalgo, or other distorted forms of text.
  6. Write in foreign languages, not unless the meaning is obvious.
  7. Add improper categories, including ones used on articles.



  1. Make super weird posts that don't have anything to do with anything and that nobody asked for.
  2. Post in the wrong forum category. Memes and low-quality posts go in "Do anything you want".
  3. Post in "Announcements" or "WANTED Polls" unless you are staff.
  4. Request the creation of specific articles, or question the absence of specific articles.
  5. Beg people to fix your articles.
  6. Interfere with polls. (3-6 month ban)

Article comments


  1. Request the creation of articles, or question the absence of specific articles.
  2. Request writing assistance.
  3. Ask about the status of articles.
  4. Make it super obvious that you've an author of the article.

Talk pages

  • You MUST sign your posts with timestamped signatures.
    • You can doing this by adding "~~~~" to the end of your post in source editor.
  • Responses/replies must be on a new line.
    • If the previous line does not have a signature, you must add one before responding.
  • Do not be off-topic.
  • Do not embed media.
  • Do not edit other people's posts. Unless:
    • You are adding their signature they forgot to add.
    • You are removing their post for harmful content.
  • Do not edit/remove your posts if someone has responded to you.
    • You may add strikethrough to your ENTIRE post to retract it if someone responded.

Forums (namespace)

Do not use the old forums. Use the new forums instead.


Do not create questionable or pointless blog listings.

User Blogs

Do not use blogs for non-blogging purposes.

Message Walls

If someone asks you to not post on their message wall, you must not talk to them on their message wall. This does not apply to warnings from staff.

Boards and Topics

We do not know what "boards" or "topics" are. Please do not interact with them or create new ones.
