UnAnything: The Movie 3: Quest To LV32B was an unofficial short film made by WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky who wanted money for himself. It was never made, as WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky was sued out of oblivion. It would involve a bootleg Captain 0 (presumably going to be 0 but was known to be copyrighted so they used a generic one) fighting against what would presumably be Captain Pointfull. It would be very short; being only 15 minutes.
WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky was influenced by the fact that both UnAnything movies were selling so much, and he decided that with his horrendous animation skills he would create a fake UnAnything movie. He was in college at the time and decided to switch majors just to cash in on the craze. With this, he created some storyboards and showed some of his friends. They hated it.
From what we can gather from the metadata, the storyboard pictures were taken around early 5015 to late 5016. WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky was definitely excited with this, as he would eventually "improve" it using more color cells. Being that he tried to make this "official", he created a fake company called "Mode 7 Productions" and even tried to make it public.
Because of this, everyone noticed and they sued. WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky, being scared of losing all his money (and therefore, going deeper into student debt), decided to asplode. He was never seen again.
From what we can gather from the storyboard photos, it goes something like this:
One day during a GREAT famine, The Number Captain Team decided they had only one choice: Revive Captain 1. He looked around and saw that The End Of Days was near.. Assuming that Chuck Norris wouldn't have killed everybody so abruptly, he quickly pointed out the fact that his bitter arch nemesis in terms of evilness (who is none other than Captain Pointfull) had boasted to him on his twitter.com that he built a machine that would implode everything and cause an artificial End of Days whenever they pleased, as long as it had the sufficient materials. Captain 0 and the others said, "Wasn't Captain Pointfull killed because he was pointless?"
Captain 1 pointed out that he literally stated that Captain Pointfull was still alive and well, being that he boasted to him on his twitter.com. The Captains were horrified. However, Captain 1 did point out that a few days ago while he was building a plan Chuck Norris had told all the important plot contenders that he would be building a new Number Captain, right before abruptly being "killed" in an implosion void. Captain 1 couldn't remember the name at first, but eventually he admitted he knew and said it was a Captain by the name of "Captain 1/2". End of Storyboard.
The Final Fight: Captain 0 and Pointfull fight. End of Storyboard 2
—UnAnything: The Movie 3: Quest To LV32B
The storyboard was never finished, being that WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky was being sued for copyright.
- A recreation of the film was made by the Teletubbies, in memory of WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky.
- Additionally, it was passed off as the original official film.
- The movie gained bad reviews; people said that if the movie was ever released that it would kill everyone who saw it.
- WaWaWaWaWaTinky Winky tried to muster up a defense that he was just writing "fanfiction", however this didn;t suffice.