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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

The flag of Greater Typan

Typan (or, if you are from the East, Tynapan) was a country that is located somewhere on the UnEarth, probably near Russia. Typan was used to be a convict camp thingy place where starving children get abused by the Brits, but at some point the children (now young adults) decided to screw gravity and fly into the sky to enter the sun realm of Jagje, the Tynapic God of Demise's second son. Those children ended up making a religion out of that. The Typanic children made an army and fought for independence, then actually won because the Brits decided that 48 children wasn't the biggest on their problems and gave up 34 days later. Currently West Typan (known as the Greater Typan) and East Typan (know as Khan's Tynapan) are in a war, fighting for the South Typan (Known as South Jagje, named after Jagje) land. it used to be apart of Cool Land, because Cool land hated Typan due to not being so cool until the 1980's when The Typan Rebels started the Typan Revolutionary War and liberated the country from cool land's control


Historically accurate Typan from before Independence[]

Sometime in the late 1700s, a British explorer known only as Captain Wallis Ethel came across a small island that was inhabited by Russian children. The children led them to 'new land' and took them to Typan. Of course, Captain Ethel shot the children and claimed the land for the British, taking all credit.

Typan Warflag

The flag of Khan's Tynapan

16 years later, they sent 60 children to New North Yolkshire because they stole buttons. 20 years later, the 48 children rebelled against the Brits after 5 of them were executed on May 18th. In Typan, May 18th is known as Twelve Falls Day, where Typan's people remember the deaths of the 12 original children. The 48 children (who are all 29 now) started doing less work, then stopped doing work overall. The Brits got so angry they declared war, but since Typan was a snow wasteland with no source of warmth, the Brits gave up on New North Yolkshire.

After Gaining Independence[]

After gaining independence from the Brits, the children built a church now known as the New North Yolkshire Church. Then, the children went on a crusade to spread the good word of Jagje, ultimately recruiting 87 Russians to join Tyneshork. Together with the help of Jagje and holy vodka, the 135 Tyneshorkians built a sturdy ship called Morekhodnyy dar boga (Russian: мореходный дар бога) and sailed to Norway to get more people into Gluglizorianity.

Present Day (until Annexation)[]

Present day Typan is alright, the current President of Greater Typan is Dzhimmi Sovetskiy, and the current second-highest officer in the executive branch of the Greater Typan federal government (or the Termorrt President) is Kris Norbet Tersa III of the city of Vesel'ye. King T'yasd Frittseregiand II of Khan's Tynapan recently passed away and his daughter, Emili Resa Frittseregiand, is now the queen of Khan's Tynapan. Over the years Typan expanded into different places, and those new claims are known as South Jagje.

South Jagje

The flag of South Jagje

South Jagje also holds the land where the New North Yolkshire Church is, and the SJ people are mostly Gluglizorian explorers. The leader (also known as the jagje scriptor pupa princeps, or Jaspuprincep for short) is currently Khan Dokhman Ttekha, however he is stepping down one millisecond after this paragraph, and the people of SJ can either vote for Tykhna Dzhikhad Khomi (the first female Jaspupricep) or Terika fon Nantotikhissimontata. Greater Typan and Khan's Tynapan are currently fighting over the New North Yolkshire Church, but are disguising the war as fighting for South Jagje.

Annexation with Cool Land[]

In the 1970's, Cool Land was gaining independence, and they then said they will annex Typan, and ever since then, Typan has dissapeared from all Unworld maps. Many Typanic people came to Cool City to live, but most were kicked out because South Jagje's mercenary groups were too 'blue to be cool'. The remaining members of the true Typan joined the New World Sovereigns, and now they are trying to take back random pieces of land. this was before The Typan Rebels caused the Cool City Sarin attacks which then led to The Typan Revolutionary War

Typan's Revolution and The End of Cool Land's Control[]

In the 1980s a Japanese man by the name of Riko Takahashi decided to cause the Typan Revolutionary War. He did so by forming and arming the The Typan Rebels with shipments of old ass Japanese guns. Despite Cool Land having a good army, they were defeated by the Typanese rebels, thus Typan was liberated by the rebels and was back on the maps again.

Country Statistics or something[]


In all parts of Typan, the Typanic people speak English, Russian and Typian (pronouced Type Ian). In Khan's Tynapan, 45% speak Typian, 34% Russian, and 21% English. Greater Typan (being the bit where the Brits first set up camp)'s population mostly speaks English, with 27% Typian and 3% Russian. People of South Jagje speaks the most Typian, with 87% of the population speaking it and 7% speaking Russian, 6% speaking English. Here are some common words and phrases you would find in the Typian Language. Tián (pronounced Ti-an) (One), Mori (pronounced my) (two), Féi (pronounced Foh-dei) (three), Dìyù (pronounced Day-You) (four), Zhirn (pronounced Hirn) (five), Jié (pronounced Joh-gei) (six), как (pronounced Kak) (seven), Otret (pronounced otter-et) (eight), Rákap (pronounced rah-kahp) (nine), Decem (pronounced dek-em) (ten), Dactián (pronounced Dak-ti-an) (eleven), Dacmolri (pronounced Dak-mole-ri) (twelve). Bānbó (pronounced bambo) (howdy), Qīn'ài den', priyatel' (pronounced qīn-eye-denk, priv-a-yata) (good day, mate), Oy, ya idu wakin (pronounced oi, ya indu walking) (Oi, I'm walkin' here!), Ya ub'yu vsota familia nǐ quánjiā (pronounced ya ub-you vee-sortah family-a ni quan-jia) (I will murder your entire family), Lauda Jagje, laudate dominum dimissione secundi filii, in ipso speramus animam nostram illi, nosque illi habemus. (Pronounced Laud-ah Jagje, lau-date domi-nun di-mission-oh-neh secun-de filly, in ip-so sper-ah-mus ani-mam nost-ram illy nos-cue illy hab-e-mus.) (Praise Jagje, praise the lord of demise's prized second son, in he we trust our soul, and bind us to him we have.)


The Typanic Krinds is the main currency of Typan. An Oat would be around 0.17 US Dollars, a Lething would be around 0.34 UnDollars, a Yeraf would be 0.69 UnDollars, a Pencatic would be 2.06 UnDollars, a Tootadoh is 5.00 UnDollars, an Adsther (Named after ADSFTERGAYWAYJAHWATIS) is 10.28 UnDollars, a Casarep is 17.14 UnDollars, a Tinkahcad is 34.27 UnDollars, a Jayter is 50.00 UnDollar, and a Tonne is 100.00 UnDollars. Krinds is used everywhere in Typan (expect for Vesel'ye, a city in Greater typan, who is made of 94% British people) and is easily converted to UnDollars, due to one man named Dzhimmi N'yuton, who made a Krinds converter.

Millitary Information[]

Greater Typan's Defence Force (GTDF for short) is a force to be reckoned with, due to the Youth Military Involvment Act of 1987, kids over 16 must join the Military unless following a different career path. This caused problems, as kids aren't the best soldiers in the world. The GTDF values quantity over quality and currently over half of Typan's population is in some kind of army. Khan's Tynapan's defence is known as the Royal Armed Defence of Khan (RADK for short) and is similar to the British Army. South Jagje doesn't have a single army, but instead a dozen mercenary groups under the South Jagje flag, making South Jagje the least dangerous of the bunch.

The GTDF Military uniform is basically grass camo jackets from Wish, with a racing helmet, snow goggles and dollar store night vision. The standard rifle is the ATI Omni Hybrid Maxx P3, being a cheap Semi-Auto Rifle that will kill people. The RADK uniform is similar to the British, and the standard rifle is the L85A1. Finally, we have South Jagje's Mercenaries. Depending what they specialize in, their uniforms vary. Most mercenaries carry a LWMMG, designed to fill the gap between 7.62 mm and .50 BMG machine guns, which they stole from True Velocity.

Laws in Greater Typan[]

The following is the laws for Greater Typan:

Legal/Legally Protected: - Drug dealing

- Arson - Libel - Animal cruelty - Torture

Illegal(But Ignored): - Vandalism

- Burglary -

Neither Legal Nor Illegal - Breaking curfew

- Murder - Being in debt - Slavery - Rape

Frequently Problematic - Nothing, currently
Punishments for criminals include: - Sanctioned bullying

- Exile - Slander - Admission to a mental facility - The mysterious disappearance of the accused (temporary) - Torture - Assasination

Taboos and Social Attitudes
Socially Accepted Behaviours:- Begging

- Unemployment - Driving/riding without a licence

Major Social Problems:- Discrimination

- Prejudice - Atheism

Major Taboos:- Domestic abuse

- Infanticide - Disabilities

Minor Taboos:- Drug sales

- Verbal abuse

Punishments for breaking Major taboos include: - Sanctioned bullying

- A long prison sentence - Torture - The death sentence

Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include: - Counselling

- No punishment - Minor confiscation of wealth - Public flogging

Laws in Khan's Tynapan[]

The following is the laws for Khan's Tynapan:

Legal/Legally Protected: - Child abuse

- Animal cruelty

Illegal(But Ignored): - Assault

- Drug dealing

Neither Legal Nor Illegal - Slavery

- Kidnapping

Frequently Problematic - Nothing, again?
Punishments for criminals include: - A long prison sentence

- No punishment - The mysterious disappearance of the accused (temporary) - Death by hanging - A public apology - The death sentence - Death by combat - Confiscation of wealth

Taboos and Social Attitudes
Socially Accepted Behaviours:- Blowing your nose in public

- Late debt repayment

Major Social Problems:- Racism

- Heterosexuality - Theism

Major Taboos:- Witchcraft

- Talking about death - Domestic abuse

Minor Taboos:- Mixing with the opposite gender in public

- Public drunkenness - Walking on the grass in a public place

Punishments for breaking Major taboos include: - A short prison sentence

- The mysterious disappearance of the accused (permanent) - Counselling

Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include: - A 20 day prison sentence

- Sanctioned bullying - Mob attack

Laws in South Jagje[]

The following is the laws for South Jagje:

Legal/Legally Protected: -

- Breaking curfew - Arson - Manslaughter - Assault - Tax evasion

Illegal(But Ignored): - Torture

- Slavery - Resisting arrest - Blackmail - Vandalism - Identity theft

Neither Legal Nor Illegal - Robbery

- Organised crime - Libel

Frequently Problematic - Once again, NOTHING
Punishments for criminals include: - A large fine

- A short prison sentence - Death by combat - Burning at the stake - Harrassment

Taboos and Social Attitudes
Socially Accepted Behaviours:

- Blowing your nose in public - Allowing an animal to foul in public spaces

Major Social Problems:

- Patriotism - Gambling

- Racism

Major Taboos:

- Prostitution - Drug abuse

Minor Taboos:

- Nudity - Asking for help

Punishments for breaking Major taboos include: - Admission to a mental facility

- Death by hanging - Death by combat

Punishments for breaking Minor taboos include: - Counselling

- No punishment

- A 22-day prison sentence

- Public humiliation - A large fine

South Jagje Mercenary Groups[]

Main article: New World Sovereigns