The Turkey Tank in it's deliciousness
Turkey Tanks are armored vehicles first produced during WWII by the Galactic Chicken Empire. The reason behind it is because the Galactic Chicken Republic were bored and wanted to get in the fun of fighting in WWII. The Turkey Tank has 3 machine guns on it's 2 sides with a huge canon in front. The Cannon was designed by Chicken Little in 1942 as a huge shotgun, that fires out large chicken thighs. The Thighs are so thicc it has enough power to kill a tinky tank. So, the turkey tank is very powerful in terms of large range.
In small range, the tank would explode too because the thicc turkey leg aspslosion is so big. Because of this many turkey tanks have been destroyed in combat. There is only 400 tanks to this day, and 640 exploded.