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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki
Tower of Salem

Tower of Salem 2 is the name of a daycare hosted and run by BlackMediaShames where people are live-action eroticly roleplaying the Crucible. In fact, babies sent to be executed by the state of Virginia are sent here instead because they want to have their own SQUID SHAMES‼️. In that aspect, it is a shame. It is a shame that all the people in the tower are either braindead, or are so worked up with "the meta" that they will dox you for sub-optimal, non-erotic roleplay. If you can, play Among Us instead, cus that's way better and way more fun and there aren't salty toxic LAERPers.

Unlike their previous daycare, Tower of Salem, the guys in this one don't have the eyes of Jake The Dog. N00bs think that the Tower is actually a Shame, and that it's actually called Town of Salem, but there's no shame in being stupid just like the rest of the players, not just the ones who think Vote For Alignment has any meaning.

Peppino has stolen about 8,173 pounds of tomatoes from this tower. He's also stolen 128 pounds of cheese.

Atrocities Committed by BlackMediaShames[]

BlackMediaShames, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to deface and ruin the previous Tower. They made a rushed product with a rushed development cycle, with most characters + animations + models + textures reused from their previous failure Terrorists in Salem. They make it so you can only RP 5 times a day, and if you want to do it more you have to pay MONEY!!! Actually, their monetization schemes are so bad, they don't allow you to wear anything other than the 5 never-washed costumes, not unless you pay them for the VIP pass because it might "break the immersion" if you wear actual clothes, but they have spies with tracking devices in the 17th century, so the immersion already fell into ruin. Once you can actually RP, chances are you will get bad roles. So they put in a $5 microtransaction that slightly increases your chances of RPing as the role you want. They also put in a leveling system into the shame called the Battle Bass, with lame awards for grinding, and actual awards if you pay them money every month and grind. There is no low that BlackMediaShames won't go, scraping the bottom of the microtransaction barrel for those extra bucks.

Time will tell when they have another FNAF-level security breach and all your passwords and stuff get leaked...


What you do in the Tower changes a lot depending on what your Assigned Role At Base is (ARAB). These are assigned at the base of the Tower where you enter for the day. Most roleplayers hate other roleplayers, so you here is their opinions and what they think:

Assigned Town At Base[]

ATABs hate the ACABs, ANKABs, and ANABs. They support the Police and will use lynchings to get their ways against all the other ARABs. These clueless idiots don't remember who anybody is. In fact, some of them don't even remember who they are! They are often killed by the other factions...

Assigned Coven At Base[]

ACABs hate the ATABs, ANKABs, ANABs, AND the Police. They cast spells on dudes and kill them because they hate them. They aren't as forgetful as the town, and in fact meet up at night to gossip about which ATAB has a creepy sex dungeon AKA the Jailor.

Assigned Neutral Evil At Base[]

ANEABs hate the world. In fact, they Battle Against The World and are huge fans of Junkil. Except Jester, who prefers Scampton.

Assigned Neutral Killing At Base[]

ANKABs hate the ATABs, ACABs, and ANABs. In fact, they have knives to fight back against them, and shields to resist their dreams being invaded. These guys are the coolest and usually work alone.

Apocalypse Now At Base[]

These guys just seigh neigh. They are hated by everybody, and hate everybody in return. They think they are the horses of the apocalypse.

See Also[]
