A toilet, or loo is a literally malodorous type of throne, where the monarch who sits on it has the right to defecate inside of it. Americans often refer to the toilet as a 'bathroom', which makes about as much sense as calling a pillow a 'bedroom'. Toilets are often the most prominent choice of settlement for toilet monsters, who are repulsive, green aliens that enjoy roaming the toilets simply for their amusement.
Toilets are also things that nobody cares about nor wants to respect. Every single day, people plant their giant glutei maximi on top of a toilet and proceed to do their business in it, and that isn't showing respect. Imagine if you were the one having people defecate inside of your mouth every single day! You wouldn't really enjoy that either, would you not?
In caveman times, primitive creatures had scarcely anything to eat that they rarely had to defecate. When food became omnipresent over time, there was a lot of stuff to eat, so much in fact that creatures then had to defecate. But back then, creatures didn't have toilets to defecate, so they'd often just excrete all over the floor without even bothering to clean up their mess. Things stayed like this for a while until a group of smart guys discovered the veracity and repugnance that surrounded feces. Upon realising the newfound verity at the time, industrial units were looking for more efficient ways for creatures to dispose of their waste. And thus the toilet was first manufactured by a mad scientist. People ridiculed at the first duplications of his invention at first, until a bunch of Dig-Its improved upon his innovation, consequently bringing modern toilets into existence.