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UnAnything Wiki


Tobirama Senju

Tobirama Senju is the CEO of hating anyone with the last name Uchiha, meaning he's second place in the most racist character on the UnAnything Wiki; first place goes to his soon-to-be girlfriend Reimu Hakurei. He currently lives in the Hakurei Shrine with Reimu. He's the brother of Hashirama Senju and the deceased brother, Itama Senju. You might wonder, "WHY IS TOBIRAMA SO RACIST?" Let me explain.

The Reason Why He Became Racist Towards Uchihas[]

Contrary to popular belief that he hated them because their eyes indicated mental instability, Tobirama only got racist after he witnessing his youngest sibling, Itama, being killed by Uchihas. This event ignited a spark that led him to become the ultimate racist and second Hokage after Hashirama died.


After the "funny Itachi incident XD" and being reanimated, Tobirama resumed his quest to become the biggest Uchiha hater ever. So much so that his hatred for Uchihas could rival Reimu Hakurei's hatred for Youkai. He continued training for many years to wipe out the Uchiha bloodline. However, he wanted to cause chaos. So, what did he do? He decided to go to Gensokyo to slaughter Youkais with his water style. This decision led to an incident where he would meet the love of his life, Reimu Hakurei. As soon as they met, they realized they shared the same ideals and began dating. While his brother was busy forming the anti-gacha shinobi alliance with Sherbase12, Tobirama was too preoccupied enjoying life and slaughtering Youkai with Reimu to care about the great anti-gacha gacha war. However, when informed that the Uchihas were reproducing, he left to investigate. Unfortunately, it was all a lie concocted by Chuck E. Cheese to lure him out of Gensokyo. This made Tobirama furious, so he fought the rat and killed him before returning to Gensokyo.
