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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

A very, very old image of the Titanic from The Daily Coffee.

The RMS (Really Might Sink) Titanic was a ship that sailed and sunk during the dates of April 14/15th 1912. This boat was infamous as 1,500 guys DIEd in this incident.


The ship contained 2,220 guys who wanted to visit and/or move to UnAmerica, as the UnUnited Kingdom was being a big fat douchebag at the time. And so, the boat sailed off, getting the nickname "The Unsinkable Ship". Not unsinkable, but Unsinkable. There is a difference, kids! Anyways, during the night time, the guy who destroyed the ship, Iceberg (It was actually Ceiling Cat, but don't tell Anybody about that; they'll be heartbroken.), decided to visit and ram themselves into the Titanic. The guys on the ship tried to dodge him of course, but they still got the side of their ship scratched. Funnily enough, this was enough to make the ship start sinking.

It took the ship two and a half hours to sink, and a bunch of guys jumped out onto a boat in order to survive. One of the funnels fell and crushed a bunch of guys. Did we also mention that there were only enough lifeboats to contain half of the guys on that ship? Most of the survivors were women and children by the way. And if there wasn't enough salt in the wound, the ship just decided that it had enough with living and broke in two pieces, increasing it's sinking speed by a ton. There were also two random lovers that said "I will never let you go" or something, I dunno.

After the Titanic sank, it became big news around the UnWorld, and the remaining survivors were recovered on another boat and taken to New York City as a reward for surviving the sinking! Yippie! Later on, the Titanic earn itself a pretty big legacy. Others wanted to refind the ship by using underwater cameras. It took those idiots only 73 years to refind the ship and look at it. Sheesh, it's like they have past technology that didn't see it now couldn't do anything. It also, earned itself a Movie and even a Bootleg Shame about it. I guess we can end off this page by telling you who lived.



  • The Titanic was later salvaged by research guys, preventing it from being degraded by nature despite some guy’s warnings against it, because he wanted it to rest in peace as a memorial for all those who died in the sinking.
  • The aforementioned person was later PWNed by the scavengers salvagers.