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UnAnything Wiki

Tina and Milo are stoat siblings who are very Italian, but yes. They enjoy playing winter sports very Very VERY VERY much.


One day during Donkey Kong fighting some Italian Dinosaurs, a mother stoat gave birth to Tina and Milo, the father stoat hated Tina due being white, which made the mother stoat to call the police to arrest the father stoat because he was stupid you know. Then Tina and Milo were 10, they walked to a forest, which they end up encountering Emperor Belos, who chopped Milo's leg off of stupid reasons.

Thankfully, Milo survived from dying, which made Tina and the mother stoat happy. During 2026, Tina and Milo notices the Olympic Games (where someone is hosting it), Tina and Milo somehow gained sport powers and haves some allies so-called as The Flo, so, they must challenge the ultimate threat to stop somebody.


Tina is a white stoat with white fur with a purple-blue fluff scarf.

Milo is a brown and white stoat with a left missing leg due Emperor Belos chopped his leg for stupid reasons. He also wears a green scarf.

When the winter is over, they wear paring blue and red pajamas because they are going to hibernate during spring, WHICH IS VERY UNEXPLAINABLE.


Tina and Milo are very playful and on-going siblings who are very into winter sports. They seem to like exploring new things. They are very Very VERY VERY innocent. They are very aware of wild animals, such as wild lynxes. Also, they protest PETA due for the illegal animal action they made.


  • Snow Manipulation: The tails leave trails of snow for a little no reason.
  • Sport Mastery: Thankfully, their sports like skiing, snowboarding, skating, hockey, and many more are pretty better than the Olympic ones.

