The UnOmniverse has existed for vigintillions and vigintillions of years. During these years many things happened. This article contains the most important dates in the history of the UnOmniverse.
Pre-Big Bang
- 10000 BBB - Chuck Norris suddenly appears in a wave of nothingness. Within 5 seconds of spawning in this empty space, he instantly roundhouse-kicks in the middle of nothingness to create a bunch of plotholium. With this, he single-handedly starts the foundation of the foundation of everything.
- 10000 BBB - With this, Mr. T spawns into existence 5 seconds after Chuck Norris roundhouse-kicked the air. Being fully grown by then, he decided to duke it out with Chuck Norris and surprise attacks him. Thus, the UnUniverse is born with it.
- 9001 BBB - More powerful beings slowly and eventually come out of their shells of self-replicating plotholium. With Nothing interesting flying around, they just endlessly float in space.
- 2000 BBB - The first Unbit is forged with the UnUniverse after Notch released a patch in the Real World, allowing the existence of such object.
- 666 BBB - A mysterious being known as Father Bogan generates out of nothingness. From nothing he came, and nothing he came to after 5 minutes in space.
- 13 BBB - Alternate UnUniverse No. 69 is created by Mr. T after he got bored with doing nothing for a long non-descript amount of time of around a few centuries since calendars weren't invented yet; his motivation for creating the alternate universe was also to allow him to "pity more fools". It soon disappeared after around 5 years of continuous pity, being replaced with the pre-release UnMultiverse versions.
- 7 BBB - Chuck Norris creates the Prototype UnMultiverse, setting up the linkage to other universes to create a prototypical omniversal network. He was inspired by Mr. T's creation of an alternate universe and decided to create more.
- 6 BBB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Pre-Alpha Version, a more refined version of the prototype with one extra feature to craft golden apples.
- 5 BBB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Classic Version, which finally allowed the existence of feeble mortals. Before this, every person who spawned in the UnUniverse or derivatives were given god-like powers.
- 4 BB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Indev Version, adding prototype mortal beings like Beast Boy, Steve (not the real Steve though), Black Steve (again not a black version of the real Steve), and some others.
- 3 BB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Infdev Version, which finally patched in the existence of endless individual universes; beforehand, universes were usually a few-thousand miles in space until reaching vast endless pits of nothing.
- 2 BBB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Alpha Version.
- 1 BBB - Chuck Norris creates the UnMultiverse Beta Version.
Big Bang to Habitability
- 0 ABB - The Big Bang was started by Chuck Norris after he pulled a lever during a meeting with the other five Undefeatables in existence at the time, which saw the release of UnMultiverse-Prime and (as a byproduct) the destruction of everything within 43 million light years. All previous UnMultiverse versions were immediately made redundant. Sheldon Cooper and Scampton are born.
- 3 minutes ABB - More matter forms. Antimatter travels back to the Big Bang, annihilating itself.
- 380,000 years ABB - UnUniverse becomes transparent, creating the UnUniversal Microwave Background. Chuck Norris constructs Undefeatable Palace as a living space for his fellow gods and for all to see and admire.
- 390,000 years ABB - Food is created for social purposes. Nobody at this point needs food though except aliens.
- 1,000,000 years ABB - First stars appear as the UnMultiverse saw its first epic battle, a showdown between Chuck Norris and some aliens trying to force their way into Undefeatable Palace. The bombs made by these worms were a main factor in the creation of the first stars.
10,000,000 ABB - Habitable epoch begins.
- 30,000,000 ABB - Habitable epoch ends.
REAL Long Ago
- 7500000000 BC - Final Form Ironeegee travels back in time, along with two asteroids that will later be called Phobos and Deimos.
- 7000000000 BC - Giygas's heart forms from a swirling mass of hydrogen and helium. Giygas himself forms around it.
- 6500000000 BC - First Dig-Its emerge from a dig-it-hole. Like a wormhole, but for Dig-Its specifically instead of all the other worms.
- 6000000000 BC - First true planets appear in UnOmniverse Prime. Twiba is crowned as the leader of Dig-It Land after Twtian's short sovereignty of the place.
- 5000000000 BC - Maxwell appears from ionized gas on a cylinder.
- 4800000000 BC - Two neutron stars collide and asplode in a stuff-nova.
- 4700000000 BC - Supernova compresses UnSolar Nebula.
- 4600000000 BC - The Sun begins to form, marking the beginning of the UnMilky Way.
- 4500000000 BC - T-5001 (UnWorld) and Chuck Norriseegee (Kittehlandia) appear via time-travel, and slowly accrete dust in their respective planetary systems' habitable zone.
- 4490000000 BC - Billy Mays appears via time travel and creates Jupiter, which rapidly accretes gas.
- 4480000000 BC - Saturn has some marital problems with Jupiter, but at least she stopped him from committing give star lithium.
- 4470000000 BC - Uranus pops out and surrounds itself with a thick sheet of gas.
- 4460000000 BC - Neptune is born and captures a binary Kuiper Belt object. Warui is formed somewhere around this time.
- 4450000000 BC - T-5001 reaches subfinal size. This will later become the UnWorld. Moon Man smashes into the UnWorld, creating the UnWorld's superswells at the base of its mantle. Dust, rocks and mechanical parts flung out, in addition to Moon Man, coalesces into the Moon.
- 4400000000 BC - Some weird space rocks form.
- 4000000000 BC - First stupid creatures appear.
- 3800000000 BC - First stupid creatures die in Late Heavy Bombardment.
- 3750000000 BC - New stupid creatures appear. LUCA evolves.
- 3500000000 BC - First ancient Worms appear on Kaapvaal. Oldest known fossils of Alaskan Bull Worms.
- 3300000000 BC - First intelligent Worms colonize the Vaalbaran "super""continent".
- 3000000000 BC - Worms evolve hydrostatic arms. Ur forms out of Vaalbara and parts of India and Antarctica.
- 2500000000 BC - Oceans begin to rust from increasing Oxygen. Worms are forced to adapt to live through the first mass extinction.
- 2400000000 BC - First Snowball Earth episode. Worms forced to evacuate to the Moon.
- 2100000001 BC - Worms send a nuclear missile into space using Orionic propulsion systems. It manages to hit Chuck Norris.
- 2100000000 BC - Mistassini impactor hits what is now Soviet Canuckistan, thawing the planet. This drowns any survivors on Earth, and the debris thrown off wipes the Moon clean of civilization. The planet is covered by a great ocean. Next worms are much smaller and have no brains. Giygas steals all the evilest Worm technology to create the Devil's Machine.
- 2050000000 BC - Atlantica assembled near the South Pole.
- 2000000000 BC - Ogg appears out of nowhere, entering Zolar System.
- 1850000000 BC - Chuck Norris once more sends an asteroid towards the UnWorld for as-of-yet unknown reasons, triggering worldwide tsunamis and bringing the Reality Stone to Earth.
- 1800000000 BC - Columbia assembled from Atlantica, Laurentia and a few smaller islands.
- 1500000000 BC - 1/4 of the UnWorld is covered with land. UnWorld grazes Mars, stealing most of its mass and oxygen. Mars, angered, creates Space Invaders. Earth's dynamo turns on in its modern form for the first time as the T-5001 re-awakens and activates its life-supporting protocols.
- 1000000000 BC - Aliens land on the UnWorld and leave 42 Monolites. Phaeton ASPLODES!, creating the Asteroid Belt. Another mass extinction occurs as Phaeton's fragments scatter across the Solar System. Rodinia takes shape. 1/3 of the UnWorld now covered by land.
- 890000000 BC - SpongeBob's first ancestors appear in Canada.
- 750000000 BC - Rodinia splits.
- 700000000 BC - More stupid creatures appear.
- 541000000 BC - it's the Cambrian Explosion
- 520000000 BC - wow, that's animals and stuff
- 510000000 BC - Australia comes into existence. End-Botomian mass extinction results.
- 500000000 BC - The sun enters a period of superactivity, kickstarting a period of natural Lazor emissions. These wreaked havoc on the surface. Dresbachian Extinction results.
- 488000000 BC - Gidora first appears in the fossil record. End-Cambrian extinction results.
- 440000000 BC - A funky spiral star ASPLODES!!!1!, kicking off the End-Ordovician extinction, which results.
- 400000000 BC - First Tetrapods reach land. This is widely regarded as a bad move.
- 252000000 BC - Chuck Norris gets angry at Legendary Godzilla and Roundhouse Kicks him, making all of Siberia erupt. Somehow, Legendary Godzilla survives. 96% of life doesn't.
- 250000000 BC - Dinosaurs appear and PWN remaining stupid creatures.
- 245000000 BC - Dinosaurs find Monolites and send them to space. What dumb creatures...
- 240000000 BC - Ganondorf is born
- 239999979 BC - Ganondorf takes control over the Dinosaur World
- 200000000 BC - Italian Dinosaurs evolve.
- 100000000 BC - Monkeys appear.
- 66000000 BC - A giant space rock makes almost all life on the planet DIE. You can blame Shaggy Rogers for this.
- 65000000 BC - it's mammal time
- 65000000 BC - Jigglypuff discovers a bridge in the UnWorld that when she uses her final smash, makes her super giant and really powerful. She and her nearly 1,000,000 friends abuse this to no end.
- 64999980 BC - The UFO stops repairing the Bridge of Eldin, and after time the population of Giant Jigglypuffs eventually becomes extinct.
- 50000000 BC - Monkeys take over the world. For some reason M. Bison doesn't comment on this...
- 40000000 BC - Monkeys send nuclear missile in space and it hits Giygas' Devil's Machine.
- 30000000 BC - Giygas finally reaches the UnWorld and takes every monkey's soul. Monkey lost every technology they explored and started to live on trees and eat bananas.
- 30000000 BC - Aliens send back one Monolite.
- 4000000 BC - One Monkey reaches a Monolite and becomes intelligent.
- 2500000 BC - A nearby red supergiant undergoes a Type II supernova, due to a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris. 99.9999% of Kryptonians DIE, with the exception of Superman, his shipmates and some people who had gotten off beforehand. Earth briefly undergoes a 3-4 degree temperature spike, and Kryptonite is first created in large quantities. Surviving Kryptonians colonize LHS 2520, and pretend nothing ever happened.
- 2000000 BC - Humans appear. HOORAY!!!! Remaining monkeys begin to evolve into Leprechauns.
- 1999999 BC - Nintendo is founded, and creates its first shame.
- 1999998 BC - NintenD'oh is founded, and creates its first shame.
- 1999997 BC - SEGA and Namco are founded, and create their first shames.
- 1999996 BC - Microsoft is founded, and creates its first operating system. Nineenee is founded, and creates its first shame.
- 998224 BC - Some guys from Siberia cross the land bridge into North America. The descendants of these Siberians are now called "Native Americans", because the Siberians were the first humans in North America ever.
- 120000 BC - A bunch of underwater volcanoes eat some Spicy Bubble Gum, causing them to erupt and make Hawaii. Loihi is more cautious, and doesn't quite break the surface.
- 110000 BC - BBC is founded, becoming the worlds first terrorist organization.
- 100000 BC - UnMesopotamia is founded.
- 80000 BC - A bunch of squares take over present-day Levant.
- 70000 BC - Phoenix 1 Empire collapses.
- 50000 BC - Some ancient guys take over Egypt.
- 40000 BC - China paradoxically invents itself. At this point, though, paradoxes are nothing new.
- 32768 BC - Weegee is created as Mario goes missing.
- 20000 BC - Chuck Norris accidentally creates Greenland. WRONG! Chuck Norris never makes mistakes. Australia is discovered too.
- 19000 BC-10000 BC - ??? (Open)
- 19000 BC - Scatman's World founded.
- 18000 BC - [REDACTED] lands in Doggerland, completely obliterating the island by its mere presence.
- 10000 BC - LHS 2520 b "Krypton" is partially destroyed by an unclear process. This creates even MORE kryptonite.
- 9999 BC - Sparta rises and PWNS everything.
- 9001 BC - Spartan colonists colonize the Americas.
- 8245 BC - Finno-Korean Hyperwar begins.
- 6172 BC - Giza [REDACTED] Array activated. Finno-Korean Hyperwar ends.
- 5274 BC - N. Sanity Island is bombed by Spartan North America, causing it to separate from the mainland, and is taken over by lizards.
- 5068 BC - The humans finally take over N. Sanity Island.
- 2000 BC - The Spartans discover Ketamine and create myths while they were high on it.
- 1500 BC - Ancient Japan is invaded by Giant Enemy Crabs. Japanese evolve into Samurai to fend them off.
- 1300 BC Leprechauns and Humans make contact for the first time.
- 1000 BC - Bowser creates a Koopa and brainwashes it.
- 981 BC - [REDACTED] awakens once more. Devastating anomalous phenomena occur across Europe, particularly the Briʔish Isles.
- 980 BC - Turns out [REDACTED] was doing it for the lulz. Doge's sons Big Bro and Lil' Bro disliked that, though. [REDACTED] CBT'd.
- 753 BC - Leonidas turns Ancient Sparta into the UnRoman Empire. Furry population skyrockets.
- 70 BC - Bulk Bogan & Bob Bogan are born some point around this time.
- 69 BC - Squadala Man goes back in time to find a new hero of Koridai. He kidnaps Bob Bogan.
- 51 BC - Leonidas pays his debts to Darth Vader with France.
- 40 BC - Bulk Bogan joined the BBC.
- 12 BC - The first Pac-People appear and take over Australia (renamed Pac-Land).
- 10 BC - After a good 30 years as a member of the BBC, Bulk Bogan is arrested at sent to the Cadbury Prison Jail Factory.
- 0 BC - Nothing happens.
- 0 AD - Bob Bogan is brought to the land that will become Hyrule after being trained by Squadala man to be the new hero of Koridai.
- 1 - Mushroom Kingdom and Hyrule are created. Toadsworth is born. First Warriors book published.
- 2 - Bob Bogan is sent to hell where he meets Phil Nye and becomes a god.
- 3 - The Cadbury Prison Jail Factory is taken over by Apple, and Uriel Septim goes on the run. Bulk Bogan is freed and proceeds to attempt to become the Hero of Kvatch.
- 5 - Mickey Mouse comes to power.
- 10 - Squadala Man is finally born, on the island of Squadala Island.
- 18 - Bulk Bogan becomes the Hero of Kvatch.
- 23 - The Teletubby Army was founded by Po.
- 30 - Squadala Man creates the Squadala Empire.
- 40 - Bulk Bogan murders Jesus, altering the course of history in his favor.
- 42 - Bruce Lee is created by Chuck Norris, Super Eviler Bowser and The Awesome One.
- 45 - Bulk Bogan begins his 600 year period of partying in a nightclub.
- 140 - The First Teletubby War breaks out.
- 174 - Mickey Mouse dies in the war.
- 200 - The First Teletubby War is over.
- 284 - UnRoman Empire divided into West UnRome and Sparta.
- 388 - Bowser becomes king of the Koopas.
- 500 - First Atlantian Divide takes place.
- 641 - Evil Land is created.
- 645 - Bulk Bogan meets Garfield & Dio. Garfield grants Bulk Bogan a wish which makes him the new king of Atlantis, and the trio move in together in the small town of Oasis Springs. This marks the end of his 600 year party session.
- 731 - Dr. Robotnik creates first iteration of Pingas.
- 892 - Ducky is born.
- 1100 - Germany is first founded.
- 1003 - Master Hand receives "Hater of the First Millennium" award.
- 1224 - The Fakegee War breaks out.
- 1330 - Princess Serenity invades the Solar System, forming up the Moon Kingdom and taking over most planets except for Earth. She stops thanks to Prince Endymion.
- 1345 - The Miis visit the Moon, but then Chuck Norris roundhouses them towards Earth, causing them to make a new life there.
- 1358 - Bowser's Castle was created.
- 1360 - Ireland is founded by Floopity Ire Landson.
- 1400 - Floopity Ire Landson takes over the island of HyBrasil.
- 1424 - The Robotnik Family is officially bonded together into one ancestral house. UnNovgorod absorbed into Muscbotty.
- 1443 (approximately) - Sir Twibbleton II erects the Fancy Schmancy establishment.
- 1491 - The "New World" (which is actually part of the same world) is "discovered" (not really; the Siberians who crossed the land bridge were there first) by some Spanish guys.
- 1497 - Elena of Avalor is born
- 1500 - Hyrulian Civil War begins.
- 1504 - Canada is formed by 10 beavers.
- 1510 - First Fakegee since the The Fakegee War is created in a test tube.
- 1513 - Elena of Avalor gets trapped in Stupid Sofia the Stupid First's amulet.
- 1516 - The Fakegee Civil War begins.
- 1518 - The Fakegee Civil War ends.
- 1538 - The proclaimed Antichrist, Toka Ryuumonbuchi, is born.
- 1547 - Soviet Russia founded.
- 1551 - Toka comes to power.
- 1552 - Dolan is born and takes over Robotnik's house, but ends up failing and getting rekt by Robotnik.
- 1553 - Toka dies.
- 1581 - Mario and Luigi are born.
- 1606 - Kat and Ana are born.
- 1630 - HyBrasil is taken over by the UnUnited Kingdom, becoming a county of Northern Ireland.
- 1646 - Super Mario Cookies are released.
- 1710 - Princess Peach is born.
- 1730 - Mario falls asleep for 250 years. Luigi assassinates Toadsworth, the king of Mushroom Kingdom, and then kills his son. So his granddaughter, Peach, comes to power.
- 1728 - The First Pickle War takes place.
- 1736 - The Second Pickle War begins.
- 1737 - The Second Pickle War ends.
- 1763 - Hollywood was created.
- 1776 - The United States of UnAmerica declares independence.
- 1783 - The United States of UnAmerica is formed.
- 1789 - Jack Frost materializes from some snow and ice. He creates some sort of frost dimension about 3 second later and becomes very fat soon afterwards.
- 1800 - World's first water-balloon created.
- 1804 - Construction of the Anti-Moon Chainsaw begins.
- 1810 - UnAmerica & the UnUnited Kingdom invade Atlantis, causing the second Atlantian Divide.
- 1811 - Adolf Hitler comes to power.
- 1812 - The War of 1812 starts (and ends).
- 1879 - The Fish Union is formed.
- 1895 - The Frost Dimension War starts and ends.
- 1896 - The Fish War starts.
- 1900 - Bulk Bogan gets his brother Bob to freeze the ocean over Atlantis. This forces UnAmerica & the UnUnited Kingdom out, but it leaves Atlantis in pieces.
- 1907 - Japan barley wins the Fish War, causing Tsunami and Anime to be created. GREAT!
- 1914 - German Empire inaugurated.
- 1916 - The Estrella Starsystem is discovered by Marie Curie, of all people.
- 1918 - Robotnik Family turns Russia into the Soviet Union.
- 1920 - After years of hiding from the UnAmerican government, Bulk Bogan tries to re-establish Atlantis, only to be kicked out by the Fish Union.
- 1935 - Kat invented the Kit-Kat by combining Ketamine with some Chocolate Wafers.
- 1939 - People start to brutally kill each other
- 1942 - Adolf Hitler commits DIE. Poor him, yay for everyone else.
- 1947 - N. Sanity Island is taken over by Neo Cortex. Crash Bandicoot comes along, and takes over.
- 1950 - War of the Fire Flower happens.
- 1954 - The First Robotnik War happens. The dragons invade the UnWorld, and Dragonrealm and Sony are both created. Lagos founded.
- 1958 - The Second Robotnik War happens.
- 1961 - Soviet Russia sends Death Star to space.
- 1967 - The United States of UnAmerica takes over the Moon. Princess Serenity throws a hissy fit unable to do anything about it.
- 1968 - The Sony Civil War begins.
- Umbrella Corporation is formed.
- 1976 - Trololo Man performs his №1 hit song.
- 1978 - Sonic is born. Space Invaders make their first attack.
- 1980 - Mario wakes up from his 250 year sleep.
- 1985 - Batman fights Superman and dies...sort of.
- 1986 - Fido Dido was created.
- Construction of the anti-Moon chainsaw is completed.
- 1987 - The Hyrulian Civil War is finally resolved.
- The Moon Kingdom gets destroyed thanks to the Black Moon Clan, apparently.
- The Bite of 87 occurs.
- President Wahooley orders the destruction of the Moon, which fails miserably.
- 1990 - Star Fox born and attacks Robotnik's laboratory.
- 1991 - Sonic appears in shames.
- Usagi Tsukino is born.
- 1992 - Typhoon Katrina accidentally PWNS Florida.
- 1993 - Robotnik explores Promotion!
- 1994 - Sonic becomes emperor of the Sonic Islands.
- 1997 - Spamton is deemed the #1 rated salesman.
- 1998 - Mickey Mouse has the wrath to destroy Evil Land, to save the UnWorld from evil.
- 1999 - The Videogame War breaks out.
- Raccoon City destroyed by zombies and BOOM!
- 199X - Ness and the gang fight Giygas in a giant inter-dimensional realm.
- Between 1999 and 2000 - In UnMultiverse 69, the UnWorld-69 is massacred by a giant insect called the Y2K Bug, causing all its technology to malfunction. Most people on there move to Kittehlandia-69. HB!Godzilla-69's fate remains unknown.
- 2000 - The Great Pumkin War begins. Appliance Avenue is created.
21st Century
- 2001 - Wikipedia and the Anything Wiki are founded. I.M. Meen receives "Hater of the Second Millennium" award. The 1st Ducky War breaks out and the Ducky Empire is founded. The Great Pumkin War ends. UnWorld-69 blown up by Vogons to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
- 2002 - The 1st Ducky War ends. Hyper Weegee is seen for the first time. Wallace, a clone of Leonardo Da Vinci, is hired by Konami and makes Alt 1.0, the first of many computers of this type.
- 2003 - Hammer Zone is created by some Japanese guy.
- 2004 - Chuck Norris's Tear causes the Indian Ocean tsunami.
- 2005 - YouTube is created by some mad scientist. The 2nd Ducky War starts. Typhoon Katrina accidentally New Orleans. Meanwhile, in Appliance Avenue, the Tool War of 2005 begins.
- 2006 - Google buys Youtube, while on the other hand, Krystal reunites with Fox McCloud.
- 2007 - The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny takes place here. A bunch of guys die.
- DaGabestaNew, a lost UnAnything Team member, is revived after the battle, and immediately starts working as a bounty hunter.
- 2008 - Jewelpets are discovered.
- 2009 - The 2nd Spartan War breaks out. Obama becomes president. John Egbert and a bunch of over nerds play Sburb and cause The Scratch.
- 2010 - UnAnything Wiki is founded by Captain 0. Ophelia is spotted near I.M. Meen, who discovers a moon of Uranus and names it after her. Alt 2.0 appears.
- 2011 - The scratch cat tries to conquer the world by teaming up with Zing Isle. They poison Radistania, kickstarting The Rutabaga War. Meanwhile, Zizz the magician is hired by the first Alt to ruin the second one's life.
- 2012 - Typhoon Katrina accidentally New York City. Doomsday "happens". Vesta stops being a gullible idiot.
- 2013 - The Old War begins.
- This is Bob is killed by Google. Typhoon Katrina accidentally the Philippines.
- 2015 - Teletubby Land has to be rebuilt after it got bombed. Alt 2.0 runs into one of the walls of the new base, the Home Dome, and is soon accepted by the Teletubbies.
- 2016 - The Dig-Its invade Japan
- 2017 - Ducky and Dark Ducky fight for the first time, destroying Kakariko Village. The Undefeatables gain twelve additional members. Typhoon Katrina accidentally Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico.
- 2018 - Hyper Weegee stares at Chuck Norris, creating Chuck Norriseegee. Mr. T rises to power via the Republic of T. The Upper Counsel gains three additional members. Typhoon Katrina accidentally the Carolinas.
- 2019 - The 2nd Ducky War ends. Typhoon Katrina accidentally the Bahamas and Maritime Canada.
- 2020 - Dio Brando fuses with Galvatron, creating Gigatron and makes a vow to defeat Optimus Prime. Typhoon Katrina accidentally Louisiana, Louisiana, Nicaragua and Nicaragua.
- 2021 - Star Fox becomes serious and starts fighting with the Teletubby Army.
- 2031 - Chuck Norris ACTUALLY GETS DEFEATED! Sort of...
- 2040 - Robotnik makes his hit shame "Mortal Pingas", giving him enough funding to cause lotsa death and destruction.
- 2050 - Bowser's spaceship reaches Alpha Centauri.
- 2053 - Marx dies from a heart attack. This doesn't count as a defeat, though.
- 2058 - AkaRed takes over Cameroon, founding AkaRed Unworld Territories.
- 2063 - Hammer Empire forms, uniting Hammer Island, Weegee UnWorld Territories, and Weegee Kittehlandia Territories.
- 2074 - Hammer Empire unites with Ceiling Cat UWT & Basement Cat UWT. Hammer Empire now controls all of Colonial Columbia.
- 2093 - Bowser creates a space station for himself.
- 2101 - War was beginning. CATS made all your base are belong to us.
- 2310 - Chuck Norriseegee blows up the Moon. Fortunately, Chuck Norris undoes it.
- 2359 - Bowser destroys almost all of Teletubby Land for no good reason (he wanted; however, it is brought back by Chuck Norris.
- 2401 - P.I.N.G.A.S., a epic space station by Robotnik was created.
- 2552 - Master Chief arrives from 2557 and starts beating up big, bad, aliens.
- 2557 - Master Chief travels back in time.
- 2723 - Cyber-Dee beats up 6000 PagUns, including the T-5000.
- 2891 - Malleo and Cyber-Dee team up against the PagUns from Alpha Centauri and blow them up, destroying everything (including space itself) within 25 km.
- 2967 - Chuck Norris hates what Cyber-Dee is doing and takes his undefeatable power from him. A black hole is created by the transfer.
- 3000 - Black hole causes havoc in Ðolar System. Miitopia gets taken over by Australia.
- 3001 - Chuck Norris fixes black hole.
- 3155 - Billy Mays creates a space station of his own to broadcast his advertisements into space.
World War III Era
- 3166 - Marguerite Williams, Vendetta Williams' great^15 granddaughter, is born.
- 3178 - Williams wages war against the UnWorld.
- 3179 - Adolf Hitler, Vendetta Williams, and TOUKA RYUUMONBUCHI HERSELF are resurrected.
- 3180 - Fully-Automated Gay Space Communism is invented.
- 3182 - Kittehlandia gets involved in a nuclear war involving Space Communists.
- 3187 - Europe goes to great lengths to end the war but fails epically, getting mostly destroyed in the process.
- 3190 - Hammer Empire establishes a colony in western Florida, as hammers, Lolcats and 'Gees are immune to radiation.
- 3192 - Hitler and Vendetta Williams are assassinated by Hungry Pumkin.
- 3195 - War REALLY gets out of hand when Toka Ryuumonbuchi gets the alien race, The Irkens, involved in the war.
- 3196 - Ryuumonbuchi is killed by Herobrine and Leonidas.
- 3197 - By this point, 25% of the world's population is wiped out. Tiger Tail overthrows Pac-People, forming Communist Australia. Sonic Islands hit by an mega-tsunami caused by an Irken superweapon.
- 3198 - Irkens are destroyed by Chuck Norris.
- 3199 - Marguerite Williams is finally killed.
- 3200 - The war ends, and by this point 30% of the world's population is wiped out.
After The Half-Apocalypse
- 4002 - Only 60% of people (of the former population before the Half-Apocalypse) now walk the Earth. The other 10% either escaped into space or died of radiation poisoning.
- 4400 - Hammer Empire begins the slow, brutal Squadalian Takeover.
- 4424 - Hammer Empire now controls all of the former Squadala Empire.
- 4425- A new, improved Energizer Bunny is created.
- 4427 - Chuck Norris gets defeated again... sorta.
- 4600 - Googolplex is killed by the New Improved Energizer Bunny.
- 5065 - Kermit creates another heaven.
- 5066 - Happycat turns Kermit into a lizard person.
- 5069 - WaKermit destroys Kermit in World War IV.
New Weegee Order Era
- 5079 - The Weegee Army takes over the Bowser Empire and the Hammer Empire before unifying them with the Weegee Empire, creating the New Weegee Order (NWO).
- 5083 - Weegee Clone #643 goes back in time to 5000003000 BC.
- 5093 - Alt 3.0 appears, Wallace didn't make this one, for he had died of Cheese overdose 2933 years prior.
- 5103 - NWO taken over by Chuck Norriseegee.
- 5120 - Alternate version of T-5001 from Alternate UnUniverse No. 69 goes back in time and through the Void to create this universe's UnWorld.
- 5121 - Captain H makes the Garnagiverse.
Potato Era
- 5226 - Potatoes take over the UnWorld.
- 5244 - Potatoes attempt to take over Kittehlandia, but fail.
- 5261 - Sir Potabill Spuddo Jackson Nintendo DXLVII finds the end of the UnOmniverse. It's a blue and green door. Behind the door is an infinite white space. Everything that does not exist can be found in there.
- 5272 - Sir Potabill Spuddo Jackson Nintendo DXLVII dies from a severe Chuck Norriseegee Virus infection.
- 5369- A newer, MORE improved Energizer Bunny is created. Moon Man created by splicing DNA of Mac Tonight and Adolf Hitler.
Rabbit Era
- 5600 - An even newer, MORER improved Energizer Bunny is created. Kittehlandia World War C starts, which will result in the NEDM Black Hole.
- 5610 - Kittehlandia World War C ends with Kittehlandia falling apart from overuse of NEDM-powered weapons, creating the NEDM Black Hole which killed Giygas, and the NEDM White Hole which created ’.
- 5695 - Happycat kills the Griffin.
- 5701 - Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee duke it out in a final battle. This starts a chain reaction that wipes out half of the UnUniverse. Moon Man travels back in time to 5000000000 BC.
- 5702 - UnUniverse-Prime divides by zero, causing it to randomly fold on itself of a brief year. Chuck Norris repairs it, and also upgrades it so it doesn't get divided again.
UnUniverse Mk. II
- 5704 - Ganon makes Weegee DIE. It doesn't count as a defeat though.
- 5705 - Weegee becomes alive again.
- 5707 - UnWorld invaded.
- 6027 - Happycat NEDMs the Moon to death, causing it to Asplode and disappear. However, Happycat reverses the effects of this after eating a Blu-Ray player and Dividing by Zero a few months later. But, doing that didn't get rid of Eternal Sailor Moon's tramua and battle scars. She turns into Sailor Cosmos after this event.
- 6666 - UnUniverse asplodes and unasplodes for what seems like forever.
UnUniverse Mk. X
- 292,277,026,596 - 64 bit Unix becomes unfunctionable. Technology starts recording time using 128 bit Unix time.
- 999,999,999,999,999 - UnUniverse stops asploding.
- 1,000,000,000,000,000 AD - Pepsiman invades Mr Rogers' Empire (Antarctica) via the power of Pepsi after Mr. Rogers dies.
- 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 AD - Birth of Dimentio, an insane jester who watches over his prisoners in the Dimension Jail.
- 1 googol AD - Everything ends in the End of Days, leaving The end and beyond...
- 1 googolplex AD - Chuck Norris finally restarted it all after defeating Bruce Lee so hard. WaChuck Norris doesn't see it for The Great Un-Reboot.
- ??? - WaChuck Norris with his infinite time causes the end of the UnOmniverse.