Thneedville is a small city located in China. O'Hare was the mayor but then he was killed by the people of Thneedville because he sucks. After that, Stupid Cy became the mayor.
The Once-ler was hanging out in China and he got board. So he said "I want another city in china!" and BOOM! Thneedville was created! After that, he created some homes to people would live there. Since being gay is illegal in the city and O'Hare was the first one to go there he became the mayor.
One day, the people of Thneedville realized that O'Hare sucks, so they decided to kill him. And then, Stupid Cy became the mayor. That's all we know about the history of this city.
What's it like living there you might ask?[]
It's awesome! It is possibly the best city in China! Or maybe even the UnWorld! Donald Trump often hangs out here because it's just that awesome!
What makes it so awesome? You might ask? IT'S SO AWESOME THAT WE CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE HOW AWESOME IT IS!!!! The best part about thneedville is probably the beaches.
Notable Residents[]
- Ted Wiggins (A random idot)
- O'Hare (one of the lamest villains in teh unworld and former mayor)
- Stupid Cy (current mayor)
- Grammy Norma (The most wanted criminal in the city.)
- Audrey (The hottest lady in the city)