The Wubs's Logo
The Wubs are a group of dubstep-making "musicians" that consists of Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Zoidberg, Papyrus, and Deadmau5. They like to make "music" that nobody wants or likes. They also tried doing art once but realised that only nerds do art so they started making music. They were banned from some parts of the UnUniverse because their "music" contained subliminal messages that said "Kill the Undefeatables. Heil Hitler's Clone."
When the group was formed[]
The Wubs was formed when Deadmau5 was walking down a street in Sonic Islands playing his "music" when Vinyl Scratch heard it and said "I liek your moosic let's maek a band!" and Deadmau5 said "Ok, but first we need some more musicians" so they captured Zoidberg and forced him to work for them and Papyrus cried like a baby until they let him in. At first no one knew what bands did so they started making

The Wubs's first attempt at art.
art. Papyrus's fat ugly brother Sans started making fun of them and called them nerds so they finally decided to make "music".