The Teletubbies Season Finale is the name of three un-related episodes of the 2015 Teletubbies series.
Season Finale #1[]
To be added...
Season Finale #2[]
(The Teletubbies and Alt 2.0 are seen in the Home Dome, searching for ideas to end children.)
(Mr. T bursts through a wall.)
MR. T: Die!
(He shoots Alt 2.0's screen. It triggers an animation. We see cardboard cut-outs of the teletubbies and Alt 2.0 with holes where their hands would be. There are walls surounding the cut-outs. Actors wearing Morphsuits corresponding to the Teletubbies and Alt 2.0 are hiding in the walkaround cut-outs. The Cut-Outs are placed behind a large table. 5 bowls of pasta are seen on the table. The actors grab the pasta and smash it through mouth-holes in the Cut-Outs' "Mouths". The screen zooms into Alt 2.0's mouth.)
ALT 2.0: I AM DEAD!!!
To be finished soon!
Season Finale #3[]
To be added...