Svensk Skördeman, otherwise known as The Swedish Reaper, is a male skeleton-ghost who's from Sweden, which STILL DOESN'T HAVE A PAGE. Currently, he hangs out in some random IKEA and takes note of the souls that reside there, even the IKEA Workers. One day, though, while in the section with the old TVs, he encountered a weird old rat who asked him to stay at his hotel, since "a furniture store can't be comfortable". The Swedish Reaper did end up staying at the hotel, and he freaking hated it. When he found two other guests who ALSO hated it, he ended up befriending them. They swiftly invited him to their organization, the Ministry of DIE Affairs, and our boy Svensk ended up enjoying it.
Nowadays, he still stays in the IKEA, hesitant to pay any sort of rent. He's also now friends with Goku-Sotsu-Kun and Security Puppet.
- He's a distant relative of RATTLE ME BONES!, Sans, Papyrus, and the Berserk Skeletons
- He is the pillar of "WHERE DIE?"