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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

The Scratch Cat's Idiot Journey is a bad shame only morons like Justin Beaver and a bush likes. The reason why this game is so stupid is because the Scratch Cat is the player character. Also, epics hate this game. The Stupid One`s favorite shame. Losers love this game. After completing this game, Bill Crosby DID FIAH HIS LAZOR at the game. It was sold 9 copies.


The Scratch Cat is looking on his fridge in 10 minutes. Then, he gets sucked into it.


Level 1: Mushroom Kingdom: Boss: Mama Luigi (he is so stupid, and he also has 5 hp)

Level 2: Possum City: Boss: Fatman and The Poker

Level 3: Arlen: Boss: Hank Hill (First Run) Hungry Pumkin (Second Run) Mrs. Dictator (Third Run)

Level 4: Soviet Russia: Boss: Dr. Eggman`s Soviet-Nator

Level 5: Lozerville: Boss: A Fat Dumb Kid and Another Fat Dumb Kid.

Level 6: Big Super Happy Fun Fun Evil China Land: Boss: Hungry Kim Jong-un (First Run) Hungry Pumkin 2 (Second Run) Hungry Pumkin 3 (Third Run)

Level 7: Creators Room: Boss: You ( does nothing. Easy to beat )  

Level 8: Final Destination: Final Boss: Bowser (1st Phase) Eviler Bowser (2nd Phase) Super Eviler Bowser (3rd Phase) Giant Bowser (4th Phase) WaBowser (one billionth phrase)

Secret Final Boss: Chuck Norris (impossible to beat)

Super Secret Final Boss: No Legs

Super Mega Secret Final Boss: Deluxe Chuck Norris (OH SHIT!!!)

Super Ultra Mega Secret Final Boss: Grumpy Cat, Keyboard Cat, No Legs Again,Gravity Cat, Monorail Cat, Boss Cat (fought in order)

Super Ultra Mega Super Secret Boss So Secret So You Wouldn`t Find Him And You Got To Do Much To Unlock Him Secret Final Boss: The Utilmate Awesome One Who Turns Out To Be The Utilmate Chuck Norris (nobody beaten him in OVAH 9000 years)


  • Tera, the Scratch Cat's girlfriend, makes some cameos in this shame.