The Rutabaga War was a devastating war for the normally calm Radistania. It was fought between them and Captain 0 Land and the devastating Zing Isle and Teletubby Land.
When the Juche island known as Zing Isle ran out of diabolical things to do, they made a full list of things they can do, the first thing on the list was to spray Radistania with Botanic Bye Bye Juice, they decided to do so, but this ended up becoming a TERRIBLE decision.
Radistania Poison Crisis[]
After becoming allies with the dreaded, infamous Teletubbies, they stole 5 giant flying rats from the Teletubby Fleet (of all things) and flew over Radistania with Botanic Bye Bye Juice filled Bombs. They dropped the bombs, and Radistania becomes reduced to a rundown island, so the commander of the Radistania army, Commando Polof, decided to seek sombody who can save the lush vegetables of Radistania.
Meeting the Captain[]
After many days, the brave Polof found somebody who can save them all: Fleet Admiral Buster Baxter! No, just kidding, it was actually Captain 0, but that's even better! So he Polly-Paddled (it's like doggy-paddling without the arms) to a country where he met the best Number Captain, he asked The one and Only Zero to come to his homeland of Radistania, and explained why, so Captain 0 and Commando Polof flew over there with Flying Toasters.
Weapon Time![]
Once the rabbit and awesome dude made it back, the two thought, and thought, and thought, until they discovered: they have no resources, however, soon they discovered that they can use vegetables, this lead to various weapons, they were soon satisfied, and now, the Polof and Captain 0 thought they were ready, however, Polofs don't have arms, so the training ended up being absolutely grueling.
The ZingZillas' New Recruit[]
Meanwhile, Panzee and Tang, ZingZilla Spies, saw this all unfold, and reported it to their leader, Zak, Po, however, laughed at their weapons, thinking that they were weak and would burn easily since they were made out of vegetables, soon, The Scratch Cat, an utter weakling, came by, and offered helping because he thinks that Radistania's weapons are very strong, despite it probably being he is just a weakling, they let him join, anyway, soon, Radistania and Zing Isle's congress declared war, and now there was no turning back.
The Battle of Turnip Town (2011-2012)[]
In this battle, some of the more notable events were that some Teletubby Robots were able to mow down many Polofs, Captain 0's Magnum shot down some enemy saucers, and Alt 2.0 used her scary face to make the Polofs run in fear, soon, however, the Teletubbies had no choice but to call in the Tubby Toast Legion, but not before they hid in a bunker first, the murderous toast have made the Polofs keel over and DIE!
Winner: Zing Isle
The Battle of Zing Isle (2013-2016)[]
During this battle, all the ZingZillas, Beach Byrds, Moaning Stones and others were fighting, it was a slower, more boring, but still important, Captain 0 eventually deployed his nuclear flamethrower on the ZingZillas' side, they were all melted and killed brutally, but respawned via a pad, soon it was time for the last battle.
Winner: Radistania
Clash on the Leaf Island (2017-2019)[]
Inside the leaf shaped island of Radistania there was major catastrophic turnoil. The war had went underground and in the lava tubes! It's okay, the Teletubby Robots are expendable, but not weak I will tell you that. There was lots of manslaughter in this war. Too much. Oh right, I meant Polof slaughter. As it turns out bunnies haven't got a prayer against robots. There was too much murder, so much that the dingus typing this blacked out briefly!
Thankfully, like the angel of the afterlife coming through a land of plague, a torrent of lava washed out all the robots. There is a reason why it is called a lava tube. Polofs know how to burrow, none were burnt by magma. Oh yeah magma is what you call lava underground. Also, it's amazing how a geological event would've been the deus ex machina of this healthy yarn of veggies and British folk.
Winner: Still Radistania
Climax: At the Mercy of one's own Fit of Vengeance[]
Officialy, the radishes won the war. Everyone and no one was happy, I say that because Zak was still pissed, so he stole a missile launcher and sent an ACME Tzar Bomba at Radistania! Unfortunately this was around the time The Radistanian defenses were buffed. The bomb was reflected back into Zing Isle and exploded so cataclysmically it took ZingZillas off the air!
Everything just stopped afterwards. The BBC were counting the costs of the war. The ZingZillas had to recover from radiation injuries. Polofs were taken off of the UnIUCN endangered list (of which they were on since that last battle) and those Teletubbies have already formatted a revenge plan that may or may not be acted out.
Moral of the Story[]
Always eat your vegetables... before they rebel!