Not to be confused with either the End of Days or The end and beyond...

A scene from the episode, where Mario, Jolyne, and Koichi fight Pucci and Woody.
The End of the UnUniverse is the 20th episode of the 8th season of UnAnything: The Series. This episode is the finale of season 8, and it takes place right after "The Bizarre Team Up". This episode is also the end of arc called "The Woody Arc".
The episode starts with Mario, Jolyne Cujoh, Koichi Hirose, Heavy Weapons Guy, Tennis Ball, and Teardrop looking for a bunch of idiots to join their team, until they notice a strange black-haired man.
Mario: "Mama mia! Who are you?"
"You must be the other members of the resistance?", the man asks.
"I am Doctor Neo Cortex, and I am here to help you."
Mario asks Neo Cortex on how to defeat Pucci and his minions. Neo Cortex reveals that they must board the G.O.T.S. (which stands for "Good Old Titanic Shit" for some reason) mothership and take out its core, in order to delete Pucci's stand, [C-MOON], before it evolves into [MADE IN HEAVEN]. Mario, Jolyne, Koichi, Neo Cortex, and Kirby (yes, Kirby's here all of a sudden) hunt down Pucci and Woody, while Heavy Weapons Guy, Tennis Ball, and Teardrop and your allies get into the mothership, and quickly board it, attacking Luigi and Pucci's other minion Cake.
Heavy: "Luigi! Why are you helping Pucci?!"
Luigi: "Because he's a friend of mine! See, there's nothing wrong about resetting the UnUniverse!"
Heavy: "Stupid, stupid! HE'S A TRAITOR! He's going to kill us all!"
Luigi doesn't believe Heavy, so he fights him, Tennis Ball, and Teardrop. Meanwhile, Mario and friends attack Pucci and Woody, while Kirby decides to be a lazy ass and sleep in the background.
Mario: "Woody, your-a stupid! Pucci is lying to-a you!"
Woody: "Liar! I'm desperate to become Teardrop's boyfriend, even if it means resetting the UnUniverse!"
Mario punches Woody, while Pucci kills Neo Cortex.
Mario: "MAMA MIA!!! NO!!! Neo Cortex, I'm-a so sorry..."
Jolyne: "Yare yare dawa, we only knew him for a few mintues..."
Woody punches Mario cries about Neo Cortex's death. Mario tries to use his stand, [DO THE MARIO], to kill Woody. However, Woody gets saved by his friend Chuckles the Cheat. Mario and friends panic, since Pucci has a cheater on his side, until Kirby stops be fucking lazy and beats up Chuckles, who simply laughs at Kirby and stomps him, which *shocker* doesn't kill him.
Meanwhile, Luigi and Cake are seriously beaten. Tennis Ball explains that he, Heavy, and Teardrop need to get to that core and plug it into the ship's computer before the countdown reaches zero.
Luigi: "Ugh... I'm sorry Cake, but I have no choice..."
Cake: "What are you talking abou- HOLY SHIT, STOP EATING ME!!!"
Luigi kills Cake by eating him, as well as becoming much bigger. Luigi grabs Heavy while Tennis Ball and Teardrop run to the ship's core.
It was too late, since Luigi bit Heavy's head off. After that, Luigi turns back to normal size and meets Elmo.
Luigi: "Oh hi Elmo, I just finished killing Heavy Weapons Guy!"
Elmo: "Elmo's still pissed! Where's Tennis Ball and Teardrop?!"
Luigi: "Mama mia... I forgot..."

Elmo shoots Luigi in the head for his FAILURE, and then he and the rest of the Elmo Gang point their guns at Tennis Ball and Teardrop. Meanwhile, Pucci defeats Mario, Jolyne, Koichi, and Kirby.
Pucci: "Hahaha... I won! I can sense Tennis Ball and Teardrop in danger, and after they DIE, I will reset the UnUniverse!"
Woody: "WAIT WHAT???!!!"
Pucci tries to kill Woody, but Chuckles the Cheat jumps in the way, dying instead. Kirby jumps on his wrap star, while Koichi and Woody hang on, while Mario and Jolyne distract Pucci. Kirby, Koichi, and Woody break into the G.O.T.S. mothership, fighting members of the Elmo Gang. Koichi manages to kill Leafy by ripping her in half like a piece of paper, which SOMEHOW saves Tennis Ball. However, Kirby, Koichi, and Tennis Ball scream "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!!" when they get jumpscared by Mag Agent: Torture.
Meanwhile... Woody finds Elmo holding Teardrop at gunpoint.
Woody: "Wait! Don't kill her!"
Elmo: "Elmo thinks you should give up. Teardrop will never love you! Elmo says she wants you dead! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Elmo fires his gun at Woody, who dabs, causing the bullet to miss him and bounce off a wall and hitting Elmo's head. Woody then grabs Teardrop's arm, explain that he already put a timed bomb at the ship's core. Woody shoves Teardrop inside an escape pod, but Gelatin punches Woody while Teardrop's escape pod already left the G.O.T.S. mothership.
Gelatin: "Woody you IDIOT!!! I'm the one behind this! I will date Teardrop, not you!"
Woody: "Listen here you little shit! You don't love her! You just want to touch her body!"
Gelatin: "Grr... YOU SON A OF A BITCH!!!"
Woody and Gelatin fight to the death. Woody kills Gelatin by eating him, since Gelatin is food, but Elmo kills Woody and starts a Resident Evil-like countdown, but Mag Agent: Torture grabs Elmo and crushes him inside his hand, killing Elmo for good.
Koichi: "Woah, it's a good thing you decided to help us, Mag Agent: Torture!"
Mag Agent: Torture: "And now you must escape."
Mag Agent: Torture grabs Kirby, Koichi, and Tennis Ball, throwing them out the ship, which ASPLODES, killing Mag Agent: Torture, Elmo, and everybody else who is still inside. Kirby, Koichi, and Tennis Ball land in the water and live, because Minecraft psychics saved them. Pucci tries to kill the three of them, but he gets killed by Captain 0 and Chuck Norris by trying the reset the UnUniverse.

Teardrop kisses Woody. By the way, Tails make a cameo in this scene.
Teardrop meets up with Kirby, Koichi, Tennis Ball, and Chuck Norris, who revealed that Elmo killed Woody, and they noticed how sad Teardrop was. Teardrop heads to the nearest recovery center and uses it to bring Woody back to life. Woody was surprised that Teardrop actually cared about him, and he was even more surprised when Teardrop hugged and kissed him, making him blush.
Kirby: "WTF is this fanfiction?!"
Tennis Ball: "Shut up Kirby, let them kiss."
Koichi: "Yeah, I think Woody and Teardrop are a good couple, and it's OVER 9000 times better than YOUR bizarre fanfiction."
Kirby then says "...Was that a motherfucking JoJo reference?!", ending the episode.