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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki
Pumkin tv

One of the many shows you can watch on TV. This one features Pumkins.

A television, or TV for those who don't have time to utter all of those syllables, or as the Bri'ish call it a telly, is a thing that displays moving pictures broadcast into your home. It is also a form of mind control.


Television was invented by an unholy Bri'ish radio company/terrorist organization known as the BBC in the mid 1930s, because radio wasn’t good enough at brainwashing people; one's ocular system would not be enticed as at the time there was a lack of any mobile images. At first, TV was in black-and-white, but the UnAmericans improved it by adding color to it.

There are many types of television, including analog, digital, cable, satellite, world, and the latest innovation: streaming, which allows you to consoom whole shows season-after-season. There are also many types of television set, including smart TVs which send data about your viewing habits to the NSA, FBI, Santa Claus, and Pedo Bear.

As started earlier, television is a form of mind control. It has shows like Teletubbies and The Loud House which are used to brainwash people into slavery. You can also use a TV as a monitor for playing shames, which is actually cooler than the main purpose of a TV, because the UnFCC won’t let you show blood on TV, but there’s all kinds of blood in shames.
