Super Obama World is a new shame for the USNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and it is a rip-off of the shame, Super Mario World. The Obama Administration wanted to advertise Barack Obama's campaign during the 2007 election so they got a copy of Super Mario World and made it Obama style. This helped a lot with Obama's campaign and as a result of this shame he won the election. The shame is the only reason why people voted for Obama in hopes of a new, and better sequel to this but it never happened so people thought no one is going to vote for Obama next time (but they did anyway). They will probably make another shame like this next time.
A sequel for Super Obama World exists called Super Bernie World, which you can buy on Steam.
The levels all take place in Alaska and are very challenging. It was meant to make fun of Sarah Palin because she lives in Alaska (or something like that). The levels however, are very similar to Super Mario World. At the 4th part of every level, Obama must battle a boss. The bosses are:
- Bowser
- Malleo
- Dark Obama (His evil,shadow form)
- Wa-Obama
- Gorthan, Destroyer of Light
- Om-nom
- John McCain
Everyone loved it and they even wanted to marry it. The shame was given great ratings by the ESRB ISN and other peoples.
John McCain hates this shame, but Obama can PWN him by playing this shame.
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