UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

PS, no characters r in dis game. ThiefWario just used dem 2 make it look cool

Stupid Smash Bros Brawl was a shame created by Unintendo in 2009. Since shame production was to a down during the UnWar since they needed to send all the moneyz on Ban Hammers. This was one of the only shames made during the war.


This game is based during the UnWar. The Nintendo characters realize that the spammers have spammed over their character profile, so they have to beat them up, to death!


  • Free for Brawl
  • Spamspace Emissinary
  • Special Mode
  • Tournament
  • Tourney


  • ESRB gave this game an M because it had the word stupid in it.
  • PEGI gave this an 18 for the same reason above
  • Biased Ratings says N0T ST00PID @ ALLLLZ! W000000000T!
  • ISN and ShameSpy rated this a 10/10 becaused they were bored of giving poor ratings to shames.