The Space Prison is a location in space owned by the Space Defense Force, where people who do things like blowing up planets, trying to start a meteor strike, destroying the UnWorld etc. It's the highest security prison in the UnOmniverse, when Hitler's Clone, Wario, or King Frost can't be trusted to keep certain inmates in their prisons. Though, most inmates are usually transferred over there to one of those places after some time. It is located far from the UnWorld, and it is 1000000000000000000000000000 miles from it. The prison has a whole shopping center like Cool Land's Cool Centre, but it is off-limits to inmates, and only accesible to guards. No planets are visible from any of the prison's windows, and only a few escapes from this place have been succesful.
The food at this location is actually quite good on weekends, like Cheese, Bread, Butter, the food the Hambourghini is in, McDonald's, and Ham. This prison serves fair food, and, they have jam on Fridays. So the prison is fine, we guess. If You want 2 see what they got, check da menu. Sometimes, they import tons of Junk food from the UnWorld, and the prisoners can eat them instead of the stupid prison food. On other days of the week, the food is rubbish.
- You
- Aliens
- More aliens
- A Chuck Norris impersonator
- A Captain 0 impersonator
- The Imposter from Among Us
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
Breakfast | Soggy Cereal | Tubby Toast | Tubby Toast | Soggy Cereal | Wet Pancakes | Waffles | Waffles |
Lunch | Cheese sandwiches with soggy mashed potato | TACOS!!!! (filled with lefovers of yesterday's meals) | Ham | Butter | McDonald's | McDonald's | McDonald's |
Tea | Sunday dinner | Sunday dinner | Pocoyo Chips | Numberblocks | Pizza | pizza | pizza |
How to escape[]
Because the prison is in space, it is exexexexextreemely hard to escape, unless what You did. First, you need to mind control the guards (which only Chuck Norris and Captain 0 can do), so they go to the guard's Toilet, then you open the door, sneak out of your cell, then use your mind to turn off all the lasers and security cameras and any other sensors, then head to the spaceship dock, then use a telepod to call up a spaceship, then fly away from the prison.
Time | What You are meant 2 do at that time |
7AM | Wake up |
7:10AM | Eat Breakfast |
7:20AM-12PM | Stay in your cell |
12PM-1PM | Eat Lunch |
1PM-5PM | Stay in your cell |
5PM | Eat Tea |
6PM-7PM | Stay in your cell |
7PM-8PM | Get ready to go to bed, and take a shower |
8PM | Bedtime |
8PM-7AM | Sleep |