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Ah shit, here we go again -ISN
Sonic Blood III: The Blood Empire is an evil shame created by SEGA it was released in 2008 and it is a sequel to the hit 2005 game Sonic Blood II: Return of Shadow, This one has little to do with the whole drama and plot, originally a Play Station 3 and Xbox 360 exclusive, now it's on every shaming platform, It's sequel is Sonic Blood IV: The Last Drop of Blood
After the events of Sonic Blood II, the blood crystal is safe in a max-security-prison, we see a montage of people trying to steal the crystal and blood splatters everywhere, Then a gang known as the Blood Empire enters the prison and steals the crystal, and kidnaps Shadow (again) and powers their flying spaceships and Shadow with the crystal, and blood splatters appear everywhere, Sonic wakes up and sees red lights and he says: What the f*ck is going on?, He goes there and sees a big massive spaceships floating and Shadow there, Sonic gets up to the ship, and finds Shadow, and forgets he still has the gun, so he shoots him 100 times but he doesn't die, so Shadow punches Sonic with it's tentacles and flies away. Tails and Knuckles find Sonic, all bruised and hurt, they took him to rest, he wakes up, and Tails tells him he needs to rest, He says: I dont give a big sh*t im outta here!, But then Tails and Knuckles tell him they are going with him, so Sonic gives a gun to Knuckles and go to the UnWorld then they see big red lights in the sky, Tails says: They are almost here! How did they find us?, They go to a desert when they see an injured Dr. Eggman saying that the Blood Empire did this to him, They sucked his blood and dies.
They go 10 miles away and see The Blood Empire flying with it's big massive ships with giant lasers firing everywhere, and They go to a mountain to see higher and they detect Sonic, Tails and Knuckles and they fire stronger lasers, Sonic uses a big portal to it's planet for a big fight,and then Sonic has some hallucinations and show the real lore of the saga. bruh the ending is gonna be so good! well kinda.
The same mechanics as the second game: Sonic Blood II: Return of Shadow is a third person shooter, that goes running to different places to find Shadow and stop him, The player controls Sonic, but in this game, he's more edgier and twisted than it was in the first game, he must face more, and bigger obstacles to stop Shadow once again
If you get 100 rings you can unleash the final form, Blood Sonic, as he goes faster than he was and bigger, better, stronger and powerful, to kill enemies.
- Act 1. Shadow
- Act 2. Smalls Bloody Ships
- Act 3. Bill Blood
- Act 4. Blood Monster
- Act 5. The Police
- Act 6. Corrupted Shadow (his original form but corrupted)
- Act 7. Mr. Blood
- Act 8. Blood Burger (a moving whopper billboard)
- Act 9. Ancient Desert Creature
- Act 10. The Blood Empire
- Sonic
- Tails
- Knuckles
- Shadow
After the failure of Sonic Blood II: Return of Shadow, SEGA and the Teletubbies also didn't care about the hate it was receiving,and another game was announced in 2007, Fans of the game were excited because of announcing a sequel, Critics outraged again, in 2008 just 5 months before it was released SEGA announced that Sonic Blood will have a fourth shame and a movie and will serve as the epic finale of the saga, People were crazy and they announced they will produce marketing, people outraged even more than expected.
The shame was critically panned by critics, many people found the shame more gory, and violent, ISN said "a never ending labyrinth and nothing more" and a 0.1/10 while Squadala Ratings gave it a -100/10 Squadalas
- PEGI: 18+
- USK: 18
- Squadala Ratings: 18+
- SEGA became so hostile for the haters of the series.