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UnAnything Wiki
Yeti snowcones

Yeti, holding some snowcones.

Snowcones are basically lemon-flavoured snowballs put inside of ice cones. They are eaten all across The Himalayas, and were invented by Yeti one day in 1832, because he was hungry. Yeti today, currently runs an manufacturing company/organization known as Snowcones Inc., in which he recruited the entire population of The Himalayas, mostly consisting of penguins to help manufacture his snowcones.

A single, typical snowcone consists of a ball of lemon-flavoured snow, placed on top of an ice cream cone. Though, there exists a certain controversy about that first part. You see, some people theorize that the aforementioned snow is not filled with lemon, but rather urine instead. Yeti has always denied this since the first time somebody pointed this out towards him, insisting that it really is lemon, and there should be no doubt about that. Others assume it's egg yolk, banana, or evil snowmen.

Whenever visitors arrive to The Himalayas, the first thing Yeti does to welcome them is offer them a snowcone, or a 'delicious treat' as he sometimes puts it. Snowcones, no surprise, are Yeti's favourite food.
