- This is not a page about the action of sneezing. If you want to sneeze, go do it somewhere else.
Sneeze is a hoover of unknown age, and is the cousin of Kirby (the hoover). In a way similar to that of a Numberjack, Sneeze does not have any vocal cords due to his lack of chromosomes considering how he is just an appliance, and thus has to lipsync to the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants. He earned his name due to how he often walked around in public while sneezing at the same time. Sneeze's appearance consists of a hoover with a long, grey tube for a nose filled with nasal mucus, an orange body, and a blue head. He has blue eyelids, black eyes and eyebrows, a yellow, terrorist tie thing, and three wheels which he uses for his itinerational means of terror.
Sneeze loves to maul and suck up anything, from sawdust to large crowds of people, just like his older cousin, Kirby does. His parents likely gave up on making him; unlike Kirby, who sucks up things (most notably cars) in his mouth, Sneeze sucks things up with his lengthy nose, filled with nasal mucus, which is why he always sneezes and has a plethora of allergies. Overall, he sucks (pun intended). Unlike Kirby, who did not take part in the Tool War of 2005, Sneeze took part in it and was a member of the Steelhearts gang, accompanying atrocious executioners such as Toaster and Stretch. Unlike that of the two, Sneeze got away with his criminal acts during the incident scot-free, due to how the Police's attempt to find evidence for Sneeze's actions during the incident proved unsuccessful.