UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

S-M-I-L-E everyday!

This wretched show's tagline

This show is beyond your ordinary levels of "suck". I think calling it repulsive is too nice, too. If Greeny Phatom is rock bottom, than this wretched pile of garbage takes a jackhammer and breaks a hole through it. It makes Callie Show look like the Mona Twiba, for God's sake.

Jasper Rolls's review of the show, which can be read here

Smiling Critters logo

Don't let them fool you. This crap is up there with Happy Tree Friends.

Smiling Critters is an abomination of a kids' TV show created by [REDACTED] that was made to groom kids and make them think that the purple cat demon/cryptid crawling out of the woods and trying to lure them away is "friendly" via propaganda. On the topic of that, it's also meant to be anti-Goth propaganda, too!

It routinely airs on Crap Network and Didney Jewnur, but the staff at both companies have been trying to stop children from seeing it. They've tried to do this this by moving its timeslot to 3AM (oh boy!), but it always seems to move back. Suspicious...


"Heroes" [sic][]

  • DogDay: The stupid dog who leads the group and apparently has sun powers or something idk. He's also the second-least terrible character here. Sadly, he gets killed off for real in the Halloween special. He may be equivalent to "Hip Choice".
  • CraftyCorn: A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic reject who does art and music. Basically Nick Nack if he was a girl, a horse, and not a Gay Bowser. She is also an extreme homophobe (unlike a similar unicorn).
  • Hoppy Hopscotch: A meth-addicted green rabbit who has OVER 9000 warrants for his arrest in 20 different countries. He's meant to be the equivalent to Dedan because of his violent nature, but TBH, I don't see it.
  • Bubba Bubbaphant: A lame-o elephant who unironically reads Wikipedia articles verbatim as "words of advice". He might be a weird incarnation of Perfectionist. He's ALLEGEDLY meant to be like Judgment Boy.
  • KickinChicken: A yellow chicken who kind of looks like Chica, and the only good character in this show. He loves surfing and playing shames on his Nintendo's Witch. His Goth equivalent is Gremmie, as you can probably tell.
  • Bobbi Bearhug: A convicted child molester and relative of Pedo Bear, she is not allowed within 1,000 feet of UnSchool. In one episode, she tries dressing up as a school-child and chases after a young boy down an alleyway. She has no equivalent, because pedos get shot when they approach the Goths.
  • PickyPiggy: A pink pig who desperately tries to hide his cannibalistic tendencies from the other Critters. He's also got a Mukbang channel on YouTube if you REALLY want to suffer. He also exists because CatNap wanted to call Jasper Rolls a "fat frick" but was too much of a wuss-puss to actually do it.
  • CatNap: Oh god... where the hell do I begin? He's a Judge Holden wannabe who claims he owns the others like property, which is messed up. In one episode, he locks Kickin in a bird cage and tells him that "his freedom offends him" and that "all birds belong in zoos". He also tries to be like the Nightmarionne of the group, but fails miserably.


  • The Nightmare Critters: The "bad guys" of the show that are actually AWESOME Goths with a cool rival TV show. They're only considered villains because they ticked off CatNap one time for saying that he was morally corrupt.
  • "Hip Choice": An undead(?) drug dealer who guns down Bobbi in "Smart School Bear".
  • THE GINYU FORCE: A team of 5 alien mercenaries who hijack the show from time to time.
  • Captain Ginyu: Leader of the Ginyu Force who wants to beat the shit out of CatNap (who doesn't want to, though?)


  1. The Beginning of Everything: An introductory episode that's redundant because of the theme song.
  2. This Is A Callout Post On Twitter.com: CraftyCorn calls Nick Nack a slur on Twitter and tries to act like he stole her painting idea.
  3. Smart School Bear: Bobbi Bearhug tries to get off the sex offender registry via pretending to be a school-aged girl. She chases after a young student when she's shot to death by "Hip Choice".
  4. The Evil Critters: The gang first encounters the Nightmare Critters, who were all listening to Les Claypool until CatNap started calling them "ungodly heathens" and got smacked upside the head by Rabie Baby.
  5. IS THAT A JOINT!?: CatNap finds Kickin's weed stash and yells at him for it. This is also the episode where he gets locked in the birdcage.
  6. Halloween!: The gang go "ghost hunting", which is actually just code for CatNap secretly murdering DogDay while the others are distracted by the EVPs coming in. They do actually contact something, though, and he's not taking that breakup well.
  7. We Were Bad, But Now We're Good: Bobbi gets selected to be featured in an awareness video for some police department down in Florida, where she has to sing (and do) the Sex Offender Shuffle.
  8. HEY PUT ME DOWN!: CatNap gets dragged out of his house by the tail by some dumb guy from Nowhere as part of his weird cryptid-hunting show. Despite this episode's existence, DLSGHS has never had an episode featuring any of the Critters.
  9. WE ARE THE GINYU FORCE: The Ginyu Force hijack the episode do their signature group pose and then Ginyu starts yapping about how much of a bitch catnap is and that not even he would use the body swap beam on him he then states that he will beat the shit out of Catnap.