UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Skelly LeftMilck give you stronk bone.Skelly Right


Skellies (also known as Boners) are a type of low-res Skeleton which are known for their impressive athletic skills and abilities. They are made of bone, calcium and calcium bone. They're pretty friendly guys. :)


Skellies have the appearance of basic Skeletons, but they can easily move around. But do not let their spooky scary appearance deceive you - Skellies are cool guys who make good friends. Stronk Skellies who eat lots of calcium have big bones, which help them to pull off more sicc trixxx.

Known Skellies[]

Some stronk and sporty skskskeletons willingly choose to become Skellies after they've died, or were born dead. Here are a few well known Skellies. We hope you understand there's now many well known Skellies.

  • Chief Skelly
  • Chihiro Fujisaki
  • Bonetrousle roblox id
  • Tim
  • 3D Skeleton #1
  • 3D Skeleton #1997
  • Abraham Lincoln (IT'S UNFAKE! (TRUE!))


