Shantae is half genie and half human. She defends the stupid country of Sequin Land from the evil forces of Risky Boots the pirate.

Shantae, casually failing to realize that her finger is on fire.
Shantae was born in Scuttle Town, a small perverted village in Sequin Land. Her mom was a genie and her dad might have been Santa Claus. She had a career as a scantily-clad dancer until this jerk named Risky Boots waltzed in and did evil stuff. It was up to Shantae to save her home from Risky's evil clutches. On her travels, she traversed exotic locations and annoying bad guys. She brutally murdered these bad guys by whipping her hair back and forth. Oh, and she also did magical dances to transform into animals and stuff. Using these abilities, Shantae finally managed to kill Risky Boots, who was revived by Bowser shortly afterwards.