UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki
Dinner blaster x

Dinner Blaster X shame

Nemesis Shame

Resident Evil Nemesis: Mushroom Kingdom is a very violent shame

Shames (also called games by people that are dumb and stupid) are what you get when you cross a DVD, and a bunch of evil bloodthirsty monsters. They are designed to get people addicted to them so they will waste away, meanwhile the shame makers are filling their pockets with your money! However, due to the ignorance of the modern day human, this is very easy to do. In fact, there's a good chance you've already been put under their spell!


There are so many shames, I'm not really sure where to start. There are shames about MarioSonic, Pac-Man, Master Chief, Teletubbies and a bunch of other guys who are not worth noting. To see all shames, click here.


There are many different genres in shames. Each genre tells you in what way you will be wasting your time and money.

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Action/Adventure
  • Shooter
    • Action/Shooter
    • Adventure/Shooter
    • Action/Adventure/Shooter
  • Teh Pies
  • Platformers (sometimes known as walk, jump, and kills)
  • Racing
  • Racing Really Fast, a better version of Racing.
  • RPS (Role Playing Shame)
  • MMORPS (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Shame)
  • VBMMORPSoD (Very Boring Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Shame of Doom)
  • TMDMMORPGYCEPSYMNWTPTS (The Most Dangerous Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Shame You Can Ever Play So You Might Not Want To Play This Shame)
  • ASWYTPACNWYHSSIKD (A Shame Where You Throw Potatoes At Chuck Norris Without Your Hands So It's Kinda Dangerous)
  • ASWYASWDBICNIFYHHSYWMLD (A Shame Where You Are Someone Who Doesn't Believe In Chuck Norris In Fact You Hate Him So You Will Most Likely Die)
  • Boring
  • Volkswagen racing
  • Fishing and Phishing
  • Arrow Hunting
  • My Little Pony Hunting
  • Tycoons and Typhoons
  • Eating yourself
  • All Other Shames go into this genre.

Types of Shames

There are also many different types of shames, aside from video shames.

  • Video shames (Shames played on consoles)
  • Computer shames (Shames played on computers)
  • Web shames (Shames played on websites)
    • Flash shames (Shames made by The Flash, named after himself)
  • Mobile shames (Shames played on phones)
  • Hawkeye shames (Shames made by the lame master himself, Hawkeye)