The Shame Boi Color is a shaming system created by King Harkinian for Nintendo. It was designed for Shame Boi shames to have colors, as the original DIDN'T HAVE FREAKING COLORRRRSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Shame Boi Color was made in 1999 by King Harkinian, because the original Shame Boi was black and white, and it kinda SUCKED (as explained above). It never was supposed to made, but was anyway. In 2002, King Harkinian wanted to stop making them when they rebelled and shot him in the face. He later banned them. It was also cheap and didn't have a lot of shames. Of course he wanted to ban them!
It became really popular, especially around Teletubbies and n00bs. Discord almost died when it shot him in the groin. He sued Mama Luigi and Skips, and banished them to Meme island. Later, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ played it but threw it was away when it killed W. Eventually it was recalled, but Mama Luigi still has several in a secret stash.