UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki

The Seven Reptilian Hyperbolic Sines are a group of seven people that serve the same purpose as the Seven Deadly Sines, except that all members are reptiles, including birds (because birds are secretly dinosaurs). The organization is founded by The Chameleon - she's Reptilian but reptilian.


  • Reptilian but reptilian - The Chameleon (leader)
  • Reptilian but nerdy - Francis
  • Reptilian but "not" - Bubo
  • Reptilian but "again, not" - Pingu's Dad
  • Reptilian but slow - Tony the Turtle
  • Reptilian but is she really? Let's assume she is - Tohru
  • Reptilian but tubby - Naughty Snake


  • All of the members share some similarities with the members from The Seven Deadly Sines.