The Seven Deathly Tangents are group of guys who are not nice and not evil at the same time. Or, are they both evil and nice at the same time? Whether or not they are not evil and not nice or evil and nice, they are searching for Captain 3. They know he is trapped somewhere, and they believe he holds some type of answer to their question(s). They have the one main question of "Why?"
These guys are the members of the Seven Deadly Sines and Seven Worldly Cosines fused together, which happened somehow. They are the "Deathly" Tangents because what is deadly and worldly? That's right, death! Though they should really be the Edgily Tangents because they're just so gosh darn nervous all the time! Also, they use tangent wave emitters (parabolic thingies) to try to find Captain 3.
They use the moniker function of putting the word "Searching" in between their funny names and what they are searching for. They plan to ask Captain 3 those questions.
The Members, All of Them[]
- RoboLord R.H.E.N (Lord Shen and R.O.B.) - Botcock Searching for Truest Power
- Foorgoor (Dimentio and Gooigi) - God Searching for Itself
- Languish (Duo and Loser) - The Lost Searching for the Epic Language
- Clog (Cirno and Clyde) - 9 Orang Searching for Moar Food
- Mr. Stabs (Mr. Krabs and Joseph Stalin) - Deep Red Searching for The Truth
- Peter Joe (Peter Griffin and Joe Biden) - Griden Searching for Some TV
- That Teen Tubby (Mother Teletubby and That Girl) - Thedge Searching for Kill
RoboLord R.H.E.N. the Ultimate[]
RoboLord R.H.E.N. is not stupid and not knowledge. He is in between stupid and knowledge since he is R.O.B., a mildly intelligent robotic buddy of operation, and Lord Shen, a stupid. One of the similarities they had was the quest for more power. R.O.B. gained considerable power after becoming a robo Nazi spaceship and Shen was already almost Undefeatable, but they both wanted to become more powerful, even more powerful than Chuck Norris (impossible). When R.O.B. and Lord Shen fused into RoboLord R.H.E.N., the only thing he could focus on was how to gain more power. So, he plans to ask Captain 3 where he can find truest power, a power he thinks that acquiring will make him able to be able to defeat Chuck Norris. "R.H.E.N." stands for Reddited Hen Exalting Ninja. Who knows what that means? His code name is Botcock and he is the leader.
Foorgoor is real gooey god[]
Foorgoor is a guy with dementia and cringeese (a disease that causes victims to be cringe). He's called that because he is a dead memer, a guy who is allowed to use, do, say, or whatever old dead memes. He is a forgetful guy because he is Dimentio and he is a rude loser because he is Gooigi. This guy forgot everything after being fused and he claims to only remember hearing Captain 3 before, but that is because those were the first words he heard after being born (since RHEN told him). This guy doesn't really know what to do, so he follows and does what the others do. He is really annoying. He wants to ask Captain 3 who he is. God is his code name because Gooigi is known for putting himself on a pedestal.
Languish speaks brish[]
Languish is an extremely angry guy, and an extremely sad guy. He is sad because he forgot how to speak Spanish and every other language that isn't English. He is angry because he can only speak English fluently and he is a loser. Anyway, he has no opinions on anything, except that he should speak every language so he can be not a loser. He's extreme because he is Duo, and he is a loser because he is Loser. He is looking for the best language and thinks Captain 3 can tell him what it is. His code name is The Lost because he is a loser and can only speak extra thick British English, so no one can understand him.
Clog the toilet[]
Clog is a food addicted anime girl who is orange and annoying, and not like that one version who dances. She pretends to be all cutesy and confident with her Sailor Moon V pose, but she is just a fat idiot who only wants to eat food. She annoys every member, heck, everyone with her constant yelling of "I want food", "I am starving", and "when do we get there?". She is fat and annoying and a loser with no friends because she is Clyde. She is a girl because she is Cirno (who might be a girl). She is looking for more food which is why she will ask Captain 3 for Moar Food. Her code name is 9 Orang because she is like 9 orangutans.
Mr. Stabs for prime resident[]
Mr. Stabs is a guy with a mustache, a red hat, and a red body. He is neither capitalist nor socialist, instead he is a nothingist and a meany head. He's the meanest of the group because Mr. Krabs and Stalin were mean fellows. He is also the realest one in the group who doesn't deal with his own nonsense that slows the group's search down. He sometimes takes over as a secondary leader because he doesn't have time to mess around and deal with the other guys' stupid antics. He wants to know why they've been fused together and thinks Captain 3 has that answer. His code name is Deep Red because he is a crustacean and a really red man and has deep red shun.
Peter Joe is a fat[]
Peter Joe is a fat, silly goofball (literally, he is like a tub o' lard) who entertains the others accidentally or on purpose. A lot of things remind him of "that time when" because he is the only one who got to keep every single memory. The group's favorite story from him involves his rivals Cornpop, Jack, and the Oversized Chicken where they fought fisticuffs for several hours and happened to travel all over the world (and killing hundreds of innocent people who got in the crossfire). What he wants is to find a TV because he hasn't been able to watch a TV show in years due to their search for Captain 3. When he gets to Captain 3, he's gonna ask him for some TV. His code name is Griden because he is Griffin and Biden some time.
That Teen Tubby the sharp edge[]
That Teen Tubby is a teenager-type thing that is edgy all the time. She is so edgy that she can cut people by just saying things. She is neutral on everything except the Teletubbies since she remembers that those guys are shupa evil. She super hates those guys now that she is only their half-mother, at least that is her reason. She is also the third smartest one of this group while also saying the stupidest things because she is a teenager. She is stupid and vengeful because she is That Girl From Eddsworld. She has a vendetta against the Teletubbies because she is the Telemommy. She wants to ask Captain 3 if he can kill the Teletubbies permanently. Her code name is Thedge because she can cause "The Edge", which is like cringe, but it hurts.
Gallery of list of Member of group of (more coming soon?)[]
Help this guy by adding some pictures in this article. I think that will shut him up.
The Almost Full History[]
The crap will be cut so the results can be right here (spoiler! There were no results!): The Seven Deathly Tangents are guys who are searching for Captain 3, a Number Captain they know is trapped somewhere. What they never realized or thought about was if the Captain was in another dimension. They should have thought about that because they could have found help for multi-dimensional travel. They didn't know that Captain 3 was trapped in a TV show, you know the digital world! They searched forever until everyone DIE'd and the UnUniverse imploded.
The New Start[]
Sometime after the End of Days, the Seven Deadly Sines were busy whacking off to try to fix their bloody seven deadly parabolas, but it wouldn't work, so they came to the conclusion that the seven deadly satellites just don't want t'werk. They did think those satellites were sentient, so they went through many trials to try and please the satellite gods. They offered donuts, a big deal, at first, but it didn't work, so they knew they had to go bigger. The Sines then gave the satellites some pizza, a bigger deal, but that did not work, so they now had to take these things seriously. They then offered the satellites a showing of the best of the bestest best YouTube video according to Lord Shen. Shen negotiated with the satellites and threatened to not show the video if they didn't start working. He tried his best with the PowerPoint presentation that he had been waiting to use for years. The presentation showed why the satellites should follow the orders of the Seven Deadly Sines. First, Shen told a brief history of the Sines' good actions such as walking on cliffsides and realizing that's not how gravity works and then falling off the cliff on their own will because they thought following the laws of physics was a good thing. Second, Peter Griffin told the satellites that the Sines were going to use them to end all the evil peoples in the UnWorld, which reminded him of that one time when Lois Griffin met Cementygas and turned into an evil bowl-shaped cementyburger due to the fact that she could not comprehend the true cement power of Cementygas. She rampaged the toiletrooms and could only be stopped by the Sine sound wave of a pig-shaped milk carton that was made out of plastic pancake batter and waffled to ninety something degrees Fahrenheit spilling all of the inside cheese while throwing up and producing mousy flatulence at the same time. It didn't convince them. Third and last but the least, Lord Shen told the Sines that they had to find some artifacts to try and please the satellites. So, they all went off all over the UnWorld to try and find objects that held the legend status. Lord Shen found the internally totally angled 180.00000003476° triangle from a Guatemalan laser shark temple and offered it to the satellites who did not budge. Dimentia found a double ballsack tree, forgot about it, then found the Incan cooties cheese of kil. He forgot to show it to the satellites and then ate it. Duo found the ancient Apache Apache attack helicopter. Peter found a Chinese lizard dragon lizard beard lizard burger lizard happy fun lizard lizard. Mr. Krabs found the giant macro-sized Great Newbeanlandian 18 UnDollar bill. Cirno found the time travelling Canadian number 9. Mother Teletubby found the Indian convenient egg-shaped orb that will help your journey, all you have to do is say big chungus in front of a satellite. Mother Tubby did actually find the artifact that will help the Sines on their stupid quest for stupid good. All she had to do now was read what it says in front of the satellites.
Cosines Enter[]
The Sines had their UnWorldwide legendary artifacts ready to be offered, so they started with Lord Shen and went all the way, disappointing the satellites along the way, until Telemommy's artifact. She began to offer the artifact to the satellites, but someone farted and interrupted her offering. The Sines started arguing over who did the toot for a couple of days until the Seven Worldly Cosines, who reconnected, came into the scene to fight over the egg-shaped thing. You see, the Cosines learned of an Indian egg-shaped orb that will help their journey if they found it, but when they got to the tech support center where it was located, the Indian guy there said that a pink thing picked it up and left to a non-descript field where some seven deadly satellites lived. The Sines and Cosines fought over the orb until Loser (a Cosine) thought about how Big Chungus was doing and asked R.O.B. if he knew, accidentally activating the orb.
The orb began spinning and producing a bunch of blinding light and then hatched a purple half oblong guy with legs who said,
—purple thing
All of them would forget this moment.
The Fusion[]
Lord Shen and R.O.B. woke up and found that they were fused together. He questioned how this happened, but a bigger question kept appearing in his head: "where is Captain 3? Find him you bozo!" All the other guys woke up and RoboLord R.H.E.N. made the epic quote:
Captain 3. We must find Captain 3!
—robot peacock
and RHEN knew how to do it (he did not): with handheld satellites that spew out Tangent waves! Speaking of satellites, the satellites disappeared, leaving the field to be just non-descript. RHEN built the satellite guns using his superior intellect and knowledge of parabolas and trigonometry. Now all they had to do was explore the UnUniverse and find Captain 3, but Foorgoor (you remember who this was) asked what Captain 3 is and RHEN told him and everyone that Captain 3 is the one who'll answer their questions. NOW all they had to do was explore the UnUniverse and find Captain 3. So, they all went to space and lived happily ever after without ever finding Captain 3. There may have been antics along the way, but who knows, maybe those antics were written down somewhere because I forgot all of them.
Captain 3 was supposed to stop William's galactic rampage, but since the Tangents FAILED HARD someone else had to deal with him.