Not to be mistaken for N.
Serial Designation N, also known as N and Best Boi, is a spooky scary killer robot who simps for Serial Designation V. Despite that, he's a pretty nice guy, he's also extremely precious, and he must be protected at all costs.
N was built by Dipsy, while J was built by Laa-Laa. Long story short, N and other murder drones were created by the Teletubbies to destroy anyone that opposes them.
After Uzi posted a tweet on Twitter that said "Teletubbies suck ass, and they are losers, LMAO!", N replied "I'm gonna kill you." And went to kill her. N almost killed Uzi, but Chuck Norris saved Uzi by roundhouse kicking N's head, killing him. But Chuck Norris brings N back to life as a good guy, because he's Chuck Norris.
N and J later break into Uzi's house. J tells Uzi that she is going to kill her, but N says "Wait! I thought we are good guys who hate Teletubbies!". J kills N for being a traitor, but then Uzi kills J for killing N, because N is best boi. Thankfully, N then came back to life, betrayed the Teletubbies, and becomes one of Uzi's friends.
In Super Mario JoJo 2, N attacks Mario for dating V, but he gets beat up and DIES. N respawned after this, and he's plotting to get his revenge on Mario. However, Mario broke up with V, and he redeems himself by convincing V to date N instead. N and Mario are on much better terms because of this.
- N only sees Uzi as a friend.
- In fact, N murders anybody who ships him with Uzi.
- N is the final boss of Super Mario JoJo 2.