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UnAnything Wiki

I'm building a Based Economy, everyone will be happy!! Join me or I'll come for YOU!!!

Ser, advertising her 100% fake empire in a newspaper

Ser is the ICOOONIC villain of the Rio2 series (does not exist, no one can buy them, death is the consequence of trying to buy them). She's about taking pancreases, kicking giblets, and kidnapping a dude called Ach so she can marry him. A feminist icon, she inspires many women to never stop chasing their dreams of getting the guy and dominating the universe. Now, enough of the fancy talk, she is THE Blue Eyes Black Dragon Turtle* Beastly Reptile Crocodile Thing from space and all that. *She's deshelled herself to become quick and nimble, so is she really a turtle anymore? Unlike most dragons, she breathes ice instead of fire.

She is certainly a queen, but she is actually an empress of her brain world, meaning that she doesn't actually rule anything tangible. However, she has the power to turn stuff in her imagination tangible which sounds cool and custy as heck, but this power is limited, for Ser is power-limited and not quite the most focused of individuals however persistent she might be. Her head is where all her minions come from. She is a sucker for theatrics and uniqueness, so she makes sure that all of her minions are not just clones with subtle differences in attack patterns and designs. Her weird army is called Praa Prime of the imaginary empire Prymhde (Primida) made up of the 3 kingdoms of Kgl7id (Kudgel Thyde), Dh0top (Dubstep), and Ra7rox (Rathrex), otherwise known as the KDR (Kill, Death, Ratio) Empire. 3 kings and 5 queens rule over the KDR and also act as her top-level recuring minions who die and reanimate all the time. Her basic minions are purple things called Prymhds (Primids). Since this empire is imaginary, Ser doesn't actually live in it, obviously, so she lives in a rundown apartment in Raccoon City. She wants to try to make KDR real on UnWorld, but the process would take like a decade to actually conjure up which Ser is not patient enough for and also Bowser and other villains are always accidentally meddling with her plans. Thanks, Bowrui! KDR is about the size of Washingmachine state.

Ser likes femboy guys, only likes because she lusts a specific type of femboy: traps, ladyboys. Traps are so girly that it's almost impossible to tell that they are guys, the only huge difference being voice (sometimes) and fact of dong and balls. And ladyboys always have a completely female personality. This is borderline lesbian; how could dis happen? Well, Ser has a lot of male characteristics—tenacious, tough, and intimidating lazy, sexist, and violent—and she needs a guy who is nice and submissive and quite PAWGers. She needs guys like, like Ach! Ach is the T H I C C E S T femboy Ser has ever seen! He even has that ladyboy feeling that she needs! So, Ser keeps kidnapping him to try to make him her boywife. This takes precedent over creating KDR Empire, which is quite unfortunate because I hear KDR is quite nice, and Ach would probably enjoy being kidnapped in a nice castle as opposed to a custy apartment infected with many molds.

Origins, Imaginary & Real[]

For real, Ser manifested someday in space after Germany got established. She was just a little turtley thingy drifting in space and since nothing happens out there, her mind began to wander. She didn't need to actually eat physical things, but she still ate 876,201,321 tons of frozen materials floating in space, such as giant comets. How she needed to sustain herself was with her imagination, strangely enough. Basically, she had to eat her own imagination every now and again. That sounds stupid because it is stupid. "You are what you eat," as they say, so therefore Ser is very much made of ice and nothing. Because she is made of ice, Ser has frigid breath powers. Ser's imagination had developed over centuries. She created a world with many incomprehensibly complex very simple characters, relationships, and societies. This is because things that required more brain power to come up with give more sustenance, but it is easier to just make simple one-off characters and stuff and consume them. The way she has to "eat" the imaginary things is to literally go into her imaginary self and eat whatever one-note characters happen to be in her head. Sounds stupid? CORRECT! Luckily, there are no other nonsensical mechanics to understand.


In Ser's world, she was born in a derelict dumpster fire of a crop field known as Ra7rox, pronounced Rathrex. (Also, her own language coincidentally uses Latin script and uses numbers (which is weird and disgusting) and letters to form words.) Ra7rox was a part of the Prymhde (pronounced Primida) empire, an empire ruled by a liberty-loving emperor. The overseer of Ra7rox also liked liberty and freedom. Ra7rox people are turtle-like creatures and are called Ra7s, or Raths, and since Ser eventually forgot that she materialized out of Plotholium, she delusionally believes that she is a Rath, even though she can't point on a map where Rathrex is. The other kingdoms are called Kgl7id (pronounced Kudgel Thyde) and Dh0top (pronounced Dubstep) and were each oversaw by similarly liberal overseers. Kgl7id people are purple humanoid things called Kgs, or Kudges, and Dh0top people are fungus-like creatures and are called Dh0s, or Dubs.

Despite everyone in the empire having liberty, everything was bad, so Ser decided to inspire all the Prymhde subjects to rebel against the emperor and the overseers and become an authoritarian, autocratic and tyrannical empress and replace the overseers with her own kings and queens. It wasn't this simple because Ser wanted to seem heroic in her origin story, but who cares? Think of it as the opposite of the UnMerican revolution from the UnBritish, instead of the authorities massacring civilians, it was the civilians massacring authorities. Anyway, Ser is the empress of Prymhde Empire, which became also known as KDR Empire (Kudgel, Dubstep, Rathrex or just KDR), and everyone loves her and are aware that they could be wiped in an instant or eaten.

The next paragraph can be ignored completely (don't worry, there are no slurs)

The KDR runs on a thing called Based Economy, it isn't like anything on UnWorld, but it is described as a capitalist communist serfdomist mercantilist barterist socialist monarchist autocracy, where 1/3 of civilians are required to be business owners that serves the state, 1/3 are state-owned suppliers that serve the businesses, and 1/3 are workers who work for the businesses or suppliers or the state. Citizens are born with one of these roles and are never able to switch out. Money is power, but only the state and businesses have money. Workers are given rations that suit their daily caloric needs, the rations are medical grade gray matter pills that provide 100% daily value for every nutrient and are personalized for every individual. Entertainment doesn't exist in Based Economy. No shames, no music, no sports, and especially no workplace romance, which is inconvenient sometimes. Life for citizens is monotonous, but everyone love, Love, LOVES it because this is Ser's imagination, and Ser is stupid.

Thoughts of Reckoning & Romantic Troubles[]


Ser lives where the red arrow points

Ser was in deep, deep, super deep thought then she woke up when she began to plummet to UnWorld. She fell past Italy and saw the thiccest guy ever whom she would get to know as Ach. The next seconds later she decided that guy would be her boywife. She crash-landed into Raccoon City and thus began her thoughts of world domination with that femboy at her side. Ser spent days thinking how she would be able to take over the world and decided to try to take over Raccoon City as a test. She announced that she was going to take over Raccoon City and then all its denizens and the UnUS military pointed their guns at her, so she conceded. She began to think big and gave herself a headache when she thought of and tried to summon a Kg. It was painful, but she had successfully brought a thing from her imagination into the physical UnUniverse. With that information, she went into her imagination to create an army of modified Kgs, called Prymhds, and call it Praa Prime for herself to eventually take over the world. But thoughts of Ach's thiccness overwhelmed her, so she decided that turning UnWorld into KDR could wait, and kidnapped Ach. Ach happened to be getting married with Rio2 on the day he was stolen, so Ser had earned herself a personal bounty from Rio. Before she kidnapped Ach, Ser summoned or hypnotized things to take over 8 cities all over the world and block Rio's path to Ser's apartment, which she called a castle. Rio eventually got to Ser's castle along with too many people for Ser to count and beat her up with sinks. Rio freed Ach, but Ser did not want, she NEEDED all THAT THICC Ach had, so she kidnapped him again, again, and again, doing the whole terrorize 8 cities schtick every time.

Unfortunately for Ser, the cities her minions terrorized were sometimes owned by other villains, usually Bowser, and they would always violently beat up her minions to a pulp, enough to make a normal human sick. She would witness her minions being brutalized sometimes and lose confidence in her chances at making KDR real, so she decided that Ser Empire would have to wait until she got her a boywife who wore an orange dress, has yellow hair, and is EXTRA T H I C C, and was named Ach. She kidnapped Ach every other week and got beat up by Rio and Igi every other week. Her lust and impatience stop her from slowing down and just summoning Prymhde, y'know the reasonable thing to do when things become impossible instead of deshelling yourself, holy crap, she removed her own shell using Shell Smash for that speed up, attack up, and special attack up. Does this mean Ser is a Pikachu?? No, couldn't be... unless....


  • Ser has quite the notable list of land claims on UnWorld:
    • All of it
  • Bowrui stole some of Ser's DNA and created Bowser with it
    • Yet Bowser is way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way older than Ser
      • Because of time travel
        • Which Bowrui did
          • Bowrui died shortly after
            • Warui killed him
              • RIP 🤪