Scratch is an evil website created by The Scratch Cat, the leader of the Scratch Team (a group of evil cats who want to take over the world by collecting energy units from projects), that lures children in with it’s colorful look and then BRAINWASHES them into terrorism. It is also a secret organization trying to gain control of the world with its evil staff members and uses a lot of techniques so that little timmies get addicted to the website.
He uses this site to teach little timmies to code evil shames and animations, then become terrorists. The Scratch Cat is now wanted in all 64 states in the United States of UnAmerica, and every city in UnAmerica. So do us a favor and delete your Scratch account. That is the only way that little timmies do not become terrorists and this is the reason that the Dun Dun Dun Guy is a terrorist. (He was brainwashed by the cat and didn’t bother to delete his account because he didn’t care.)
This is the reason The Scratch Cat is not only getting stronger, he is also getting smarter. This didn’t last long as the site was quickly shut down by the FDA even though it’s not food. The Scratch Cat didn’t care and restarted Scratch 20 minutes later and gave it a refresh to “fool” the FDA although it didn’t work of course but they for some reason haven’t taken it downs saying it “grows kid’s imagination!!!” when that is 1,000% false. Our advice is to not go on Scratch or else addiction will take over and you’ll become stupid to the point where you join the Cat on his mission to rid the world of intelligence, just like Captain 1, but the exact opposite.
Did I forget to mention that their servers absolutely SUCK? Especially in the past week? This makes it impossible for kids to get lured into their trap which sucks for the cat.
The Scratch Team was created by a goddess named Flametra, who viewed cats as superior to humankind. She instructed the group to find a way to get enough energy to take over the world as quick as possible. Since then, the Scratch Team has collected OVER 9000 energy units, and currently collecting MOAR for their inevitable takeover of the world.